◌ Chapter Ten ◌

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Chapter Ten: The Moebius

Third Person Point of View:

When Takemichi time leaped, he was surprised when he ended up in a Karaoke, but what added to his surprise is that a half-naked girl was on top of him.

"No kissing" The female stated, while Takemichi froze at what she said.

'No kissing?' He thought in confusion, suddenly becoming flustered, he began trying to recall how he ended up there.

Suddenly, the phone rang making the girl answer it, Takemichi took that as an advantage to ran from the Karaoke, a huge blush on his face.

"WAAAAAAAAHHHI" He screamed as he ran away, not realising that there are two individuals that was approaching him.

'What the hell?! What's going on?'

"I can never tell Hina about this." Takemichi stated out loud.

He began thinking about the incident and about his girlfriend. He should never let Hina knew about it or it'll ruin their relationship.

"What?" Hina suddenly appeared behind him, making him yell in shock.

"You can never tell me what?" Kyannah snorted besides Hina when she saw his reaction, instantly reading the blonde's mind making her snicker more.

"Hina? And Kyannah-chan? W-W-What are you two doing here?" Takemichi asked, surprised to see the two.

"I'm going home from school and Kyannah is accompanying me." Hina answered, and turned the question to him.

"Takemichi-kun, what are you doing here?"

Hina inched her face towards Takemichi, examining his face while Takemichi backed away.

"Hm? W-What?" Takemichi nervously asked.

"Is there something on my face?"

"Takemichi-kun, you've been acting odd lately." Hina stated, making Takemichi panicked.

'Did she find out, somehow?' Takemichi panicked before glancing at Kyannah who was watching them in amusement.

'Idiot.' Kyannah thought, amusement on her features as she watch Takemichi in distress before talking to him telepathically.

"You're doomed if she find out about it, Mitchy"

'Please don't tell Hina about it' Takemichi pleaded to the girl, who shot him a smug smirk.

"What if I tell her now?" She taunted making Takemichi's soul fly from his body, fearing for the worst.

Suddenly, the blonde's phone rang, catching all their attention. Takemichi was glad to have an excuse under the brunette's taunting eyes.

"Oh! Draken-kun!" He exclaimed when he saw the caller's ID before putting the phone to his ear.


'Why does he pronounce Draken as Doraken'?" The brunette judged, having a new name to the tattooed blonde boy.

"Takemichy, what are you doing right now?" Draken asked from another line.

"Huh? Um, right now, I'm.." He fumbled with his words glancing at Hina and Kyannah.

"Well, whatever. Come to the Musashi Shrine on the Tama River." Draken stated.

"We're getting everyone together."

"Huh? Right now-" He was cut off when the line was cut

"Hina, Draken told me to meet him up in a while..." Takemichi told his girlfriend, temporarily forgetting the brunette.

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