◌ Chapter Nine ◌

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Chapter Eight: Roppongi and 'Him'

Third Person point of view:

Kyannah was wondering around on Roppongi street as she heard that there were many delicious desserts. She want to date herself and went to place to place wondering around. This place was very different from York New City

"Desserts, desserts here I come~" she hummed happily.

She planned to invite her best friends but they were busy on their mission so Kyannah decided to go by herself.

As she walked she spotted two males. The taller have blonde and black braided hair while the other have short blonde with blue streaks.

They were beating people up which made her curious as she went towards the two males.

'Haystt, I'm not in the mood to beat someone up, why just be friends with them? Who knows they can be a piece of the chests on my own game' she thought to herself

"U-uhmm,What are you doing beating people up?"

The two boy's were shocked as they didn't noticed someone were behind them.

"What the hell, who are you?" The boy with blonde and blue streaks hair said as he turned his head to face the person that called him, preparing to punch someone.

But that obviously didn't happen as he saw a beautiful brunet girl with glowing dark brown eyes infront of them.

Ran was mesmerized by her beauty. Small nose, big eye's, cute face. As they were staring at her silently, Kyannah was sweating slightly.

'Do i have something on my face again? Or were they stared by my ugly face?! Why does people always stared at my face?' She thought panicky while thinking of the same situation that happened when she first met Draken and Mikey.

Kyannah waved her hands infront of the two brothers that snapped them out of their staring.

Ran and Rindou could feel they were blushing. The Haitani brothers never blush! Even they weren't interested in dating women since they were gold diggers that just wanted their money.

But they could see that this brunet stranger was different as she was still looking at them smiling happily.

'I'm soo hungry~'

'Must invite this two boys! The more the merrier!'

"Hey! Wanna eat dessert with me?"

Before they know it, the Haitani brothers didn't knew what happened as they were now sitting at a dessert shop with Kyannah sitting in front of them, ordering one of each kind of desserts that cause the waiter to write down the order like a mad person.

Kyannah called them to order desserts as well.

"Hey! Let's order! Don't be shy!" Seeing no response from them, she just ordered other desserts from them.

As the waiter left the table, Ran and Rindou were still looking at Kyannah. She noticed they were looking at her and smiled brightly at them.

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