◌ Chapter Four ◌

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Chapter Four: She

Third Person point of View:

While walking around not realising where she was, a certain someone heard chaos nearby, and her head full of annoying thoughts like 'this guy will die' or 'what a weakling' and 'k*ll him' make her annoyed and curious, at the same time attracting her attention.

She went to the place where the sounds from, and look at the gathered male surrounding a beaten up blonde boy and a guy twice his size.

"Kiyomasa-Senpai, fight me" the blonde boy said

She hide herself from view while watching the whole thing go down, seeing people hurt or seeing their distressed look made her blood boil.

Remembering her past.

She watch as the blonde boy gets beaten by the 'Kiyomasa guy' while gripped the ice cream angrily

'What's up with this blonde guy? He want to fight this Kiyomasa guy yet he's the one who become a punching bag' she thought

"Why would he go this far against a guy that's obviously stronger than him?" One of the audience asked, making the brunette curious as well, remembering a certain someone

'Maybe he just want to get beaten up a lot or probably likes to be someone's punching bag' she thought idiotically

"I said, that's enough Takemichi!" A blonde guy yelled, catching the brunette's attention, throwing a glance at the blonde.

'Takemichi? Wait..... Hanakagi Takemichi!?'

"Your seriously gonna die!" A red haired male added in worry as they saw their friend getting beat up by Kiyomasa, only to stand again.

"Not yet..... This can't heal..... My heart..... That experienced those..... 12 years...." Takemichi stated, she can clearly see his thoughts by her mind reading.

She can clearly see the death of a girl but her face was blurry, she also see the sadness, agony and pain in Takemichi's eye's. She knows what that feelings well.

'So it was him that I need to help, he came from the future 12 year's from now. He can travel through time, interesting. He doesn't have nen or aura but he had an ability. This is a serious situation'

"What are you talking about?" One of his friends asked in confusion

"I was running and running and running and running" He mumbled, but even it was far away the certain brunette can clearly hear it.

"Give up already, Takemichi! You've already showed enough determination" a red hair yelled, but Takemichi ignored him and stood up.

"I ain't giving up!" Takemichi exclaimed as he managed fully stand up.

"I have a reason not to give up"

Everyone was stunned at his claim, looking at him wide eyes, some with fear and some with awe. The sense of determination was surrounding his figure.

"Now, this kid is something" she muttered with a amusement expression

"Kiyomasa.... The only way you'll win is by k*lling me!" Takemichi challenge

"I absolutely ain't gonna lose"

'Woah! This kid is just like Gon!' She thought with a interest glint on her eyes

'I'm going to save Hinata' Takemichi thought, his thought wasn't unnoticed by a certain someone


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