Her past...(Part 9)

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Y/n's pov.

We reached the butterfly mansion after walking for an hour and a half. Sleeping paid off! I was now hungry to be honest, we only ate dinner last night, fought the demon and then I  slept. Tomioka-san stated that I slept for the whole day........We didn't eat at all.

My tummy is very empty! I need food right away! I ran to the butterfly mansion as fast as I could, I couldn't handle the hunger anymore!

I went to the kitchen and shouted, "Aoi! Help me I'm gonna die from hunger! Do you have leftovers? Or did Inosuke eat it all?!"

"Whoah calm down y/n and I have your food specially made it's done!" Aoi stated as she gives me a gigantic plate full of my favourite food! She also added, "We heard that you didn't eat at all but slept the whole day so Shinobu-Sama and I made all of this for you!"

They really made this?... All for...me? I have never felt this way the feeling was....warm and comforting. I ate it all  in minutes and asked for more.

(Time Skip: A few hours later after she had her big dinner)

Nobody's pov.

Y/n was walking around the mansion when she heard someone calling her name....it was her brother....

She saw him and ran up to him in tears, "Brother! I missed you so much! Where did you go? How are you here?" She cried. Her brother then stated, "Y/n you have grown since then, it has been 10 years you were only 10 that time, I must tell you this now, me and the others have died you are the only one left..."

What her brother said shocked her, broke her and she simply couldn't handle it that she ran, away from her brother....it was only then she didn't know where she was right now, the world was spinning, she was lost, the rain then poured as her tears couldn't help but fall, until someone was hugging her, it was warm and comforting she couldn't help but cry even more.

She noticed that it was a man, the man didn't say anything but just kept quiet and soothed her as she cried even more.

They stayed in that position until she had no tears to she anymore, she looked up to the man and saw that it was TOMIOKA-SAN?! She couldn't help but hug him even more.

"Let's go in my estate and talk about this." The Hashira said to the girl couldn't keep it to herself that she agreed.

They are now at the Water Estate who was owned by the Water Hashira himself, Tomioka Giyuu.

Tomioka's pov.

We went inside the estate and I have given her a towel to dry off and asked the question that was in my head, "Why were you crying?" She hesitated to answer but said "I have 2 Brothers and 2 Sisters, but we were all separated when we were sold, yes if you ask if our parents sold us for money. It was ten years ago when it happened, I just now found out that they are all dead."

Her parents sold her? She had more siblings? They are all dead? I don't know how could she handle this I became emotionless when both my sister and best friend died.

"How do you know that they have passed?" I asked as softly as possible. "Somehow I could talk to ghosts, my oldest brother came to visit earlier and told me about it, I couldn't help but ran away and cried then I bumped into you and here we are!" Said by her.

"Is there anything else that you would like to tell me? I am here to listen..." I suggested. "Well I wasn't turned into a demon when you came....I was turned into a demon a few months before but when I wasn't fully a demon they locked me up and tried to feed me human blood.... I always rejected it, until they stopped visiting me 4 months ago, The demon that turned me had red eyes and they always call him 'Master Kibutsuji' I didn't know who he was but he betrayed my adoptive family and made a demon attack the household then you came to kill it! You were the first human besides them that I saw, I am very sorry that I attacked you that time! It was all out of instinct! I really didn't mean to attack you, I thought you meant to harm me..."

She have already met Muzan?! She had a tough past I must admit but I have to report this to master!

"Is that all?" I asked, the then nodded implying 'Yes'.

"Thank you for telling me your past should we go and report this to master?" I asked again.

Y/n's pov.

After I told him everything I was really feeling a little bit better, he then asked me if I want to go with him report to his master about my past, he is really asking me to meet his master!??? I excitedly replied, "I will come with you! After all.... It is an honor to meet your master!"

Tomioka's pov.

She agreed to come with me so I took her hand and went outside it was not raining anymore so that's a good thing.

We have now arrived at the door to where I always report, I could sense that she's nervous but I told her not to and then we went inside....

To be continued.....

Here you go a new chapter! See you on the next part!^^

950 words~~.....

.... Giyuu Tomioka x FEM Demon Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now