Offended? (Part 23)

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"Then shall we start?" Muzan asks his minions, the uppermoons just bowed and agreed to him. "Why am I even here?! I'm useless!" Y/n continues to rebel. "Shut her up will you?" Muzan gestured akaza, and all akaza could do was to make her lose consciousness but because it was just a light hit it eould only be for a few minutes. "Now, let's start."


"Are you sure it was really Y/n-chan Tomioka-san?" Mitsuri asks him. He nodded in agreement. "Then should we really go again to check?" Tengen offers. "It's damn far." The Wind Hashira cuts in. "What shall we do then?" Mitsuri says. "We should be on the lookout, she might have been already captured by the demon king, We have to be cautious." Shinobi says with a straight face.

"Okay then, we'll have to carefully plan our move starting now." Rengoku suggests. "Then shall we start our flashy performance?" Uzui Agrees.
Once the Hashiras decided on what to do, they heightened the security around the headquarters and decided to make wisteria poison. In preparations if there are easy demons that shouldn't be worth a demon slayers time.


Y/n has her hands tied to a pillar, close to the upper ranks so that she wouldn't be able to completely run away. "Let me go!" Y/n shouts. "Not yet, you haven't even said anything about your 'Masters' place" Muzan just smiles sheepishly. "Why don't you bring out 'that' demon, Muzan-sama." Douma suggests. "Good thinking Douma" Muzan then ordered nakime to bring the demon they were talking about.

The moment it was summoned, Y/n immediately guessed it was a mind controlling or mind reading demon. "Just say the word Muzan-sama." The demon said bowing to him. "Okay then, look into her mind and look for the headquarters of the demon Slayers." Muzan orders.

The demon walked towards Y/n, the demon then proceeded to touch her forehead and then he used his ability. His ability was none other than 'Mind Travelling' it is a special type of ability where you could see someone's memory and you could also ruin the memories by either damaging them or changing it into something else. 

"Muzan-sama, I see the place you mentioned. And I also see some 'interesting' things." The demon then transported the memories which he took from Y/n to Muzan. "Thank you, but what was the 'interesting thing' you were talking about?" Muzan was visibly interested. "Then, let me transport it to you also." . "I see, I guess you did love someone and that someone is visibly a Hashira. Haven't you ever thought about the comments of the other Hashiras when they see a demon and a slayer together? Wouldn't they think it's inappropriate and disgusting?" From this point of view she came to the realisation of what problems would rise if they did love each other. "I'll go first and prepare, untie her Akaza."

"You know I can be your lover!" Douma offers. "No thanks." Y/n urgently replied. "Then What about Akaza-dono?" Douma insisted. "No. Even if he's better than you, there's still someone better." . "And is that someone the Hashira Muzan-sama was talking about?" Douma adds. "What if it is?" Y/n said then felt a bit sad. "Then I have no right! Not an ounce at all!" Douma said smiling. God Y/n hated seeing that smile, it's so plastic and fake that others would think he's sincere. "Cut it out Douma." Akaza cuts him off.

"Thank you Akaza-san."
"No problem."
"Hey! Why aren't you Including me in your conversation?!"

"Why should we?" Asked by Akaza. "Because I am also your friend?" . "Wait Since when?" Y/n said innocently. "Come on guys~ let me join~" At this point both Y/n and Akaza were annoyed. "Okay fine, but why do you even wanna join? Don't you have other friends? Like in your cult or something?" Y/n asks she knew this could either annoy douma or enrage douma. "Oh? No it's not that easy to make friends, the one from my cult don't see me like that. Even if I wanted to friends they would just treat me like their leader and not be a good friend." Douma explains. "Then you're lonely." Y/n came to the conclusion. "Uhuh, but now I'll go back, it seems that I am not fit for your conversations." He then gestured nakime and he went back to his cult.

"It seems that someone got offended." Akaza says. "Do you think so? He can't feel emotions." Y/n asks. "Not my business." Akaza said then went off. "Nakime please bring me back to my room." Nakime did as she was told.

"Am I going to die soon?" Y/n says as she realizes that all the money she had was all gone and the food that she bought were also gone now. "I guess I'll ask the uppermoons for money."

To be continued...

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