Leaving...(Part 17)

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No one's pov.

Tomioka left for y/n to get rest. While walking he saw Mitsuri and Shinobu eating in the kitchen, he didn't want to bother them so he quietly left and got back to his Estate.

As he got back thoughts came flooding in. 'She looked weak earlier, is she okay?' 'Has she eaten yet?' 'Did she have fun?' 'Does she want to spend missions more with Mitsuri rather than with me?' These kind of thoughts appeared on Tomioka's mind.

He couldn't help but think about this. He was now pacing around back and forth with an emotionless look plastered on his face, you couldn't tell if he was genuinely worried for y/n.

While he was pacing his crow came to tell him the master has a mission for him, but it was a secret that no one should know, it was only for the two of them to share. He got prepared and went to the master's.

When he arrived His master, Kagaya Ubuyashiki is already waiting for him. "Good day master.." Tomioka greeted him. "It seems that you have arrived, Good day to you too Tomioka, i have a special mission for you, only for you. No one should know about this, not even your beloved y/n, the demon." Kagaya said straightforwardly.

Tomioka's pov.

B-beloved? Anyways, A special mission for me only? I thought it was better to be in pairs? "Master, what is this special mission?" I want more details as i must move in secrecy.

"Tomioka, you must go south for this mission, that means it'll take you days to get there, someone reported that there is a demon, a powerful one at that. They said that it could be a good candidate to be instantly lowermoon one, maybe even uppermoon six... I want you to deal with this matter as i trust you very much" Master said. I could understand why directly the Hashiras. "But what about the others? The other Hashiras? I must say that they are more fit for this job." I know i am not worthy of his trust.

"Iguro and Sanemi are busy so are both Gyomei and Muichiro, i plan to send Mitsuri with Rengoku on another mission next week and lastly Shinobu is still busy treating the patients at the butterfly mansion. So you are the only one i put trust into this mission Tomioka..." As i have no choice i agreed.

"But am i allowed to bring y/n with me?" I asked. Not for personal reasons of course it's because Shinobu might get busy and she'll get lonely...

"You are not allowed to.. Remember this mission is only between the two of us... You can bring her soon on another mission." Master replied.

We've come to the agreement that i could tell them that i was going for a mission but i can't give the details. I left to prepare my things for a long journey. Based on how far it is i should at least a week until i get back, maybe even more..

No one's pov.

Tomioka wasted no time, he packed his stuff and was already at the Butterfly Mansion to give his farewells to Y/n. And also Shinobu, since Mitsuri is there why not?

He went inside and saw both Kocho and Kanroji talking about somethings. "Where is y/n?" Tomioka asked. "Oh? Tomioka-san? She's at the specialised room. It's weird though she hasn't come out yet. Nor even call out our names if she needs something.." Shinobu wondered.

"Yeah Shinobu-chan it is very weird!" Mitsuri added. Tomioka nodded and went to the room, at first he knocked, no one answered so he let himself in to see y/n still sleeping. "I guess you still are tired." Tomioka whispered. "Oh? Tomioka-san?! It's nice to see you again!" Y/n happily said then smiled.

"What are you doing here Tomioka-san? Is there something wrong?" Y/n added.

"Did i wake you up? I'm sorry.." Tomioka uttered. "Oh you didn't! Don't worry!" Y/n reassures him. "Are you going somewhere? It seems like it." Added by Y/n as she looks at his kanata.

"Oh uhh.."

To be continued...

Word count: 707 words
Early update:]

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