It's not like her (Part 28)

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"Did you enjoy reuniting with the one you love? Huh, Suha.."

"S-Shinazugawa-san...Be...w-wary of the's strong..." Y/n warned them.



Tomioka could not handle Y/n's screams. It was all too painful for him. He grabs his chest, as if his heart was being stabbed multiple times. It was unbearable.

After Y/n screamed for the fifth time, she passed out. Both Muzan and Tomioka looked as Y/n was silent. Tomioka was still in pain so he could not walk up to where y/n passed out. But Muzan went closer to Y/n, lifting her up bridal style, and then placed her on the floor behind him. Once he was finished, he took this chance to introduce one his loyal companions.

"It seems that this generation of slayers are not to be underestimated, well since my little Suha used her brain and actually gave you a heads up... Let me introduce to you my former upper moon two.. Chizuki"

"My, my, what a grand entrance."

"Show them, who you truly are...zuki."

With little to no background, this woman has appeared infront of their eyes. With the warning y/n gave, they braced themselves for the attacks the demon can do.

The Woman smiles, she lifts her hand effortlessly, darkening the sky; until no sign of sunlight could ever reach.

They felt fear crawl their body, it took the hashiras a lot of time shook it off.

"My, my, such humans can shake off the feeling? It seems they're perfect to become uppermoons."

"Did you really think that we'd become demons?" Sanemi Shinazugawa yells to take everyone's attention.

"Very unwilling, interesting." Muzan says, interested with the Hashira's response.

"Kibutsuji.. It seems that your little toy is awake." The Hashiras and Muzan looked to where Y/n's was.

"Please help me Suha. You're the only one left." Muzan said with a look on his face, he wasn't sincere at all; they could tell he was lying and disgusted about what he said.

Suha slowly opens her eyes, trying to understand her surroundings. There, she saw his master, Muzan Kibutsuji. She stands up, wanting to be of use. But she trembled and felt pain all over her body.

She was trembling and weak but still tried to push her limits and managed to bow infront of Muzan.

"I greet... Muzan Kibutsuji.. The Master of Suha."

All could see that she's changed. Her tone, the words she chooses, and her expressions changed- It seems as if she's lost all her senses and only relies on the memories; It's as if her memories are part of a book that she's reading with little to no understanding.

"Oh? What is she doing Kibutsuji." Asked by Chizuki.

"It seems that she has once more lost her senses, but this time her memories are still intact."

Y/n looked behind her and saw the Hashiras along with other slayers. She looked as if she's worried for their safety, forgetting her own. Y/n became as clueless as muichiro before, but she's not acting like herself with her memories present.

"Master, why bother killing them? When you can regroup and fight next time?" Y/n asks.

"Suha, today shall be the end of the slayers. No matter what weapons and unpredictable strategies they have, none can overpower me." Muzan replies.

"Suha, may I ask? Why do you seem different?" Chizuki couldn't help but ask to cure her curiosities.

"I shall explain then. My memories as a human and demon came back. But, it's not just those memories. While I was unconscious a young looking woman talked and asked me some questions."

Hearing her explanation surprises some, but they let her continue.

"She then decides to give me a gift. Which was the memories of my past life. And it made me realise that I expected too much from this world. None of my pleads were heard, none of my suggestions were taken seriously. It seems like nothing was working out for me." Y/n added.

She was explaining both her past life and current one. It's as if the same events were happening but in a different way.

"I understand what you mean, so can you help us? In ending this war between the slayers?" Chizuki suggests.

"No! You don't understand at all! You say you do but in reality you don't! You are wrong!" Y/n yells.

"What do you mean?" Chizuki raises her voice in anger.

"Don't you remember what you did? You manipulated all to get whatever you want. Of course with your exotic beauty, your alluring voice, no one could ever say no to you!"

Chizuki was suprised that Suha knew her life as a human. But to hide her past, she denies. 

"Can't you at least explain where are you going?"

"Oh? You don't see the resemblance? Right, because this is a new body. I was one of your puppets when you were human, I was your so called 'best friend' Hayami! Can you see it now?"

Chizuki was visibly shocked when Y/n yelled the name. It seems like she shouldn't have said the name. Because the face Chizuki was wearing, was all made by pure rage.

To be continued..

I'm back:D

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