Akaza (Part 25)

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"So uhhh What are you doing?" Y/n said walking with Akaza on a moonless night. "Just going to investigate on something, but why are you here?" Akaza asks. "Well, your Muzan-sama told me to go with you now. If not he won't give me money." Y/n said with a pouty face.

"Oh. So are you going to help me?" "Maybe."
"Why Maybe?"
"Because if it's a hard task I won't help you."

The two demon then continued their journey.

-At the Demon Slayer Headquarters-

"Congratulations on Killing the Upper Six Uzui-san!" Mitsuri says. "The master has already approved of my retirement, please take care of them Mitsuri, and Tanjiro hasn't woken up yet, and so are the others." . "Yes, I will take good care of them! And also Rengoku-san is happy you survived just like him!"

"Yes, even though he suffered more injuries, he's still standing and fighting with honor." Uzui says lowering his tone. "Don't be sad Uzui-san, we all have our own limits! It's not all about sacrificing your life, it's about providing protection to the people who are weak." Mitsuri says just before she was called by Rengoku. "I'll head first Uzui-san!" Uzui could only give her a nod.

"Where is Tomioka-san?" Mitsuri asks. "He's on a mission, and nowadays he expresses more of his emotions." Rengoku said. "Maybe because it's been 3 months since Y/n was by his side." Mitsuri concluded. "Take care of everyone here, I still have training." Mitsuri then nodded happily.

Mitsuri took this chance to take stroll around the mansion. There she saw Iguro with his pet snake.

"Hello Iguro-san!"
"How are you today?"
"Do you want to eat mochis with me?"
"Let's go!"

-With Y/n-

While investigating, Akaza couldn't help but get annoyed by Y/n's behaviour. She was always looking from one place to another, the moment they see something that fits Y/n's interest, she would head straight to it, not even thinking at all.

"Could you at least tell me when you want to buy something?"
"Is there a problem?"
"What if you get lost?"
"Oh come on, I won't get lost."

While they were walking, they saw a shop that Y/n immediately went into.

"Oh come on." Akaza says in defeat.


Muzan was outside for a while, hoping to get a fresh air because of troublesome demons (mainly Douma)

While he was walking around he saw something that he never expected to meet.

"It's nice to meet you again, Kibutsuji Muzan."
"How long has it been? 400 years? It has been a while."

It was his former upper two, though she backed out and is now Independent. 'Such a waste of potential and Talent' he thought.

"How have you been? Did you find a better Upper two?"
"Well, my upper two now is definitely something. He would be interesting in your eyes. Only eats women."
"That's interesting. Say, What happened? You look like you were busy doing something."
"Ah, yes My upper two got a girl who was under the slayers protection before. And I got the info I needed."
"Is she a demon?"
"Yes, she is."
"Is she under you know?"
"Huh? No.. I guess."
"Oh, it seems that you're not using your five brains at all. Say.. have you given her more blood?"
"You are being dumb right now, the more blood you give that girl, the more you can control her."

There he realised what he had to do, even though she did help, she wasn't willing.

"Thank you."
"Always. Now I'll go first."

-With Y/n-

Akaza was still annoyed with the situation he has to face.

"Did I really have to suffer like this?"
"Oh come on Akaza, be thankful it wasn't Douma."
"I guess."

They went to shop after shop, finally they started on getting some information that was needed. As soon as they were done, they were suddenly teleported by Nakime.

"Did you find anything?" Asked by Nakime.
"Yes, after looking for information for some time, I got what I needed." Replied by Akaza.
"Hello? I also helped!" Y/n joins.
"Oh right, Muzan-sama needs you." Nakime says.
"He...needs me?" And then she was immediately teleported to wherever muzan was.

-With Tomioka-

Tomioka's Pov.

As I walk through the forest I can't help but think about her, why did you leave just like that? Was I too harsh? Was I too fast in approaching you? Is that the problem?

While I walk I remember our times together...

As I enter the Headquarters I went straight to the master to report.

"I'm back.." I then hear a voice behind me

"Welcome back Tomioka-san!" Oh it's Mitsuri.


"You know it's not nice to ignore a girl Tomioka-san." As expected Kocho enters.

"Master I have finished my mission. Is there another mission? I am ready." I say, ignoring Kocho.

"Good morning to you all. Dear Tomioka, you deserve rest. Take care of yourself first before taking care of others." Master said.

After a while I went back to my own house. 'It's lonely here..' since I was ordered to rest, I'll have to rest.

Morning came and I still long for her, even though I know she's still alive somewhere, I can't help but think she had found someone to love.

Not that I would be jealous...

To be continued..

.... Giyuu Tomioka x FEM Demon Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now