The Unexpected (Part 21)

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It has been a exactly two months after Y/n was turned into a demon. She got along with everyone well almost. The Sanemi Shinazugawa did not want her at all, and Iguro Obanai was minding his own business and his business was only Mitsuri.

One chilly night, she was taking her usual walk when she bumbed into the Wind Hashira. "Ouch.." she whispers. "Oi, you pipsqueak! Watch where you're going!" Sanemi says. "Pipsqueak? What did you call me?" She was annoyed by Sanemi. "Yeah, PIPSQUEAK I called you that, what are you going to do about it?" Sanemi was now picking a fight. "You know.. I think i remember you in one of those days." She tries to remember. "The fuck?" The man replied. "Ahh yes, you're a distant relative, i remember now." She says while nodding, well agreeing to herself. "You're a damn relative? Explains why your blood arts was related with wind." Sanemi says in realization. "At least cut out some curse words! 'Damn Relative'? How could you?!" Y/n said with an angry tone. "Don't care." The Hashira said then left without another word. She couldn't do anything about it, she just went on her walk and thought about it. There she meets Tomioka.

"Hi, Tomioka-san we need to talk.." She said with a serious tone. "Okay.." Tomioka replied. "Come here." She sat on the grass and gestured Tomioka to sit with her. "What did you want to talk about?" Tomioka starts their conversation. "Well, i was thinking what are we Tomioka-san?" She said looking at the stars above. "Well, what do you want 'us' to be?" He replies. "Tomioka-san, i'll be frank with you... I like you Tomioka Giyuu, i have been for a few weeks now, maybe even more than a month now?" Tomioka was surprised with the sudden confession. "Well what's your response?" She asks, Tomioka was still not ready for his confession, he couldn't utter a word right now. "I-i..I" He could not say the words he wanted to say.

"I guess you don't like me. I understand. I'll leave now." She left without saying another word. Tomioka was left alone with guilt rising he couldn't help but think till day break.

Morning came, and Tomioka was stuck at his own house, curled up in bed still thinking of what had happened that night. "She looked disappointed. What should i do?" He questions. He went and thought of an idea. Then decided to take his idea into action.

He went to meet with someone. Who else knows about these love things? Well the Love Hashira of course! He went directly to Mitsuri without no one noticing. "Oh hey Tomioka-san! Is something the matter?" Mitsuri asks. "Well, you see i need" Tomioka says while his tone was low as if he's whispering. "Love advices?! Oh are you in love Tomioka-san?" The love Hashira grins at him. And his reply was none other than a yes. The moment Mitsuri heard this she screamed at the top of her lungs. "Is it Y/n-chan??" She asks. "Yes, it is her."

"So what's wrong? Did you offend her?" She wondered. "I think so, She....she confessed last night. I didn't respond..."Tomioka says while taking deep breaths. "Oh, so she thinks you don't like her now?"He was surprised with how fast Mitsuri figured out. 'I guess she really deserves to be the Love Hashira, unlike me. I don't deserve any of these.' He thought to himself and continued. "Yes, but i wanted to let her know I do love her too. That's why i came here, for..advices for a confession."

"Okay then! Why don't you try a dinner date?" Mitsuri suggests. "I don't know how to set up something like that.." Tomioka bows. "Okay! We'll do a picnic dinner! In the fields close by. I'll set it for you!" Mitsuri told him and pushed him out of the house. "Please try to invite her tonight!" She gestures while tomioka was leaving. He only replied with a nod and left for the Butterfly Mansion.

Once he arrived, he was greeted by Aoi looking upset. "What did you do to y/n? She's refusing to eat." She said. "I'm sorry it was my fault." He said and continued to enter.

He went straight to the special room only to see Shinobu at the door. "Tomioka-san, you finally decided to show up. Y/n-chan is pretty upset with you." She said with her usual happy tone. "I know and i came here to apologize" Tomioka said and entered the room. The moment he opened the door he saw y/n covering herself with thick cloth, he could also hear soft sobs as he gets closer.

"Y/n..." Tomioka softly speaks out. He turned behind him and saw Shinobu closing the door and smiling at him. "Why are you here?" Tomioka hears y/n talking. "I'm so sorry about last night.." He says.

"You don't have to I understand. "
"Would it be okay if i make it up to you?"
"I don't mind.."
"Then would you be willing to go somewhere with me..tonight?"

Y/n got off the bed and sat at a corner then looked at Tomioka, "Sure." Was all she said before she kicked him out of the room. Thinking he messed up real bad he was a bit glad she accepted his offer. He took his leave and left to prepare for the night.
That night, Mitsuri came to Tomioka and gave the news that her preparations were done and all he needed to do now was to bring her there. "I'm sure you can do it Tomioka-san! Apologize and be with each other forever!" Tomioka felt a bit glad he has somewhat a kind fellow hashira around. "Thank you.... Kanroji.." Those words were new to Mitsuri's ears so she couldn't help but tear up. "Of course, you're welcome!" Mitsuri says. After Mitsuri was visibly tearing up Tomioka felt uneasy, it's as if something, someone rather was glaring madly at him. He looked behind him and saw the one and only Iguro Obanai not far from them.

"I think you should explain this situation to your lover, he keeps glaring madly at me." Tomioka was straightforward with Mitsuri. "Who? L-Lover?! Who could that be?!" Mitsuri was surprised by the term. "Look far behind me and you'll see.." She did what she was told and saw that the Serpent Hashira was glaring at a certain someone and that was Tomioka. "We're not lovers!" Misturi says while her cheeks are bright pink. "Well at least not yet. Why don't you see your feeling for him?" Tomioka suggests. Misturi only nodded and tried to understand her own feelings. "I'll go now Tomioka-san.." Mitsuri said and left.
He arrived at the Butterfly Mansion and saw that his beloved was already waiting for him. "I'm sorry i was late.."
"We didn't set up an exact time.. so it's fine."
Tomioka sighed of relief and brought out his hand. "Shall we go?" Tomioka asks. Y/n took his hand and stood up. "Sure," She said and both left for their dinner.
At the dinner, while they were eating, Y/n started to break the comfortable silence around them. "Is this over now?" She asked with a cold tone. "Not yet. I still have something to say.." . "Go on."

Tomioka took a breath and tensed up. "I like you too, very much Y/n.. I don't know since when but.. i've felt little happiness whenever you smile, i felt for the first time like i belong, i'm truly sorry for not answering your question last night, I was too shocked, I couldn't process it." Tomioka was now bowing.

"Hm? So... you took pity on my confession last night? Now i see, it's all clear now! You confessed your feelings because you felt guilty! You even gave tons of effort for this! Hah! that how you actually see me? Someone who you could take puty on?!" She said and ran away with tears. "It's not like that!" Tomioka tries to explain while running after her.
After a few hours of running Tomioka suddenly loses sight of Y/n this was new. 'This must be a blood demon art.' Tomioka thought to himself. He tries to find the demon who casted it but failed to do so in under 3 minutes. After 2 more he calmed down to track the demon with full concentration. Once he did he finally took it out and continued to look for Y/n .

Unfortunately it seems she had been long gone. 'It seems she did not stop running when i was under the influence of the blood art for 5 minutes.' Tomioka thought to himself.

To be continued...

.... Giyuu Tomioka x FEM Demon Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now