Chapter 1: The Red Letter

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At the age of fifteen, I thought I knew what I was going to do with the rest of my life. I would graduate high school, then go to Ohio State University, find a nice-looking guy there and get married.

But life makes you seem unprepared at least 99% of the time, don't you think?

So when my dad came home on night with a grin on his face and a red letter in his hand that would soon change my life, I was a bit suspicious.

"May I ask why you have a creepy smile on your face?" I asked. He never is in this good of a mood. Needless to say, I was frightened.

"I'll explain in the car. Get Annie and tell her to put on her best dress, you too," He smiled again.

I thought my dad was losing his mind but I went upstairs to my sister's room and opened the door.

"Hey, Lena. Why do you look scared?" My 13-year-old sister asked. I told her the story and she looked freaked out too.

"I think he's lost it," she nodded," What are you gonna wear?"

"Annie! This is serious! What is going on?" I asked.

"I don't know. Lets eavesdrop on mom and dad's conversation!' She said excitedly. I rolled my eyes but I followed her to the vent in the hallway.

She kneeled down and out her ear to the vent while I waited impatiently.

"I think mom is pregnant...with someone else's baby!" She looked shocked and giggled. I gave her a look and she sighed.

"I don't have a clue what there saying. They talk too quietly!" She giggled again.

I need a new sister.


When we arrived at the restaurant, my dad told the waiter that we were still waiting for one more person. It was odd because my whole family was there. Maybe Grandma will eat with us? I had no clue.

"Order whatever you want," my mom said, wearing the same grin my dad had in earlier.

"So can I get lobster?" Annie asked hopefully.

"Yep," my dad said nodding his head. My dad was like Mr. Krabs from Spongebob. He never spent money if he didn't need to.

Annie shrugged and sipped her water as a lady in a blouse and pencil skirt walked up to our table. She looked friendly, but I didn't know her at all.

My parents stood up, shook her hand and introduced themselves. Dad gave us a look that meant to do the same so we did.

"Hi, I'm Lena Carson," I shook her hand.

"Janet Roberts," she said and we at down," I'm sure your confused as to why this is all happening right now, but you have been excepted to Hilton High, a very exclusive boarding school."

I took a few moments to process her words. Boarding School? I've never been away from my parents for more than a week!

"I-I'm flattered," I stuttered. I didn't know what to think. Did my parents sign me up? Was I being watched? I wasn't the smarted kid in school but I wasn't dumb.

"You must have thousands of questions, but I assure you it is a very good school. Only the top-notch students get in," she smiled.

My dad placed the red letter in front of me,"Open it."

I was kind of expecting a golden ticket or a Hogwarts letter, but it was just a normal letter. It was a thick letter considering it had a few brochures in it and some papers for Mom and Dad to sign.

The brochures showed pictures of some of the bedrooms and different houses.

"What house will I be staying in?" I ask Janet.

"The oldest house that there is, which is Walker House. It has the most interesting history out of the four," She answered,"It has four boys and three other girls living there as well."

Our waiter came and took our order and set down a bread basket. I was starving since I hadn't ate since lunch so I grabbed a piece and let the fact that I was going to boarding school sink in.

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