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I wasn't sure how to react to the whole situation, but I managed somehow. Everyone was shocked that he would do something like that. Wesley was in the library the day it happened and saw Dallas throw a rock at my head and drag me to the gardening shed. He called the cops and I was rescued. Dallas was sentenced to life in prison until he started telling people that I was a mind reader. After that he was sent to a mental hospital for the rest of his days.

Charlotte told Mr. Jackson that she was his daughter and he was speechless. He called up his one-night-stand/ Charlotte's mom and she told him the truth. He was kind of mad that she never told him that he was a father, but he got over it after she told him he didn't need to pay child support because her husband didn't know either. They all went out for ice cream after.

I didn't want to tell my parents about what had happened, but they read newspapers and watch the news, so them knowing was inevitable. Words couldn't describe how afraid they were. They pulled me out of Hilton High and sent me straight back to my old high school in Ohio. My two friends were devastated when they heard.

Wesley's family moved to Ohio so they could watch over me and protect me from other people like Dallas. Wesley's parents were a part of the "Mind Reader Protection" group. Wes knew about me the whole time. 

I was sad that I had to leave Charlotte and Bonnie, but I knew that Mom and Dad weren't going to let me ever go back. I did finish the book by myself and I sent it to Mr. Jackson. I got and A+. I think he just felt bad because I just wrote down random crap.

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