Chapter 15: Replay

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The rest of the Truth or Dare game was boring. I kept thinking of Dallas winking at me when Bonnie asked him who he liked. I was probably thinking it was something when it was nothing. We left the attic soon after the game was over. I had no idea what time it was, but I was exhausted! As soon as everyone left, I went to bed, and I didn't even bother putting my pajamas back.

When I woke up, I was cold and sweaty. I couldn't calm myself down because I was shaking so much. I realized I had a nightmare. The same nightmare that I had last night. I wondered how many of those I would have to go through before they finally stopped. My reaction was worse than the first one and that had me scared. What if they got worse every time I had one? I wanted to listen music. My grandma would always play older music from when she was my age, but I forgot to download all of the songs that I liked on my iPod before I left for boarding school. I guess that meant no Elvin Bishop or Redbone for me.

I took a shower instead since that was the next best thing. The hot water felt good, seeing as I was freezing and shaky. As I was washing my hair, I saw a really big cut that led to a bruise on my arm. It obviously wasn't there last night, so when did I get it? I didn't think my dead aunt that was haunting me did, but I can never assume things anymore.

The shower was fine, but I really did need music in my life right now. I walked back into my room and grabbed my laptop that was on my old wooden desk. Then I grabbed my iPod and hooked it up to my computer. I'm pretty sure I had the songs on iTunes. I sat down on my bed and looked at the time. I am a morning person so I wasn't surprised that the time was 8:30 in the morning. Once, me and my friend were texting each other until 3:30 a.m. and I woke up at 7:30.

I opened iTunes and added all of the old songs I wanted and put my headphones in. I was about 45 seconds into Moonage Daydream by David Bowie when I heard a nock on my door. I sighed and got up and opened the door.

"Dallas, what are you doing here?" I asked. Were we supposed to work on the book today? I probably forgot.

"I just wanted to come and check on you. You seemed a little upset about the whole 'Sara' situation last night," he looked right into my eyes and I melted. His eyes were the bluest eyes ever seen in my life.

"Well I woke up and I was freezing and shaking and realized I had the same nightmare I had last night," I sighed, "Music calms me down, but I forgot to download all of the songs that I listen to so downloaded them and now I'm here."

"What songs do you listen to? The Harry Potter theme song?" he chuckled.

"You mean Hedwig's Theme?" I laughed.

"Oh my God, you really need to be that specific?"

"As a matter of fact, yes I do," I sat down on my swivel chair and spun around a few times.

"What are you doing today?" he asked.

"What I usually do on weekends, sit around and re-read a book or watch Parks and Recreation nonstop," I sighed and looked at the poster of Chris Pratt on the wall.

"Wow, that sounds depressing. You need a life," he got up and walked towards me, "We're doing something today."

"But I had plans! I'm going to re-watch the episode April made up with Andy!" I whined, "Oh, maybe the episode they all had the flu! Or when Ben and Leslie-"

"No. You are going to be a normal teenager who does normal things. We are going to do something today and that is final," he grabbed my hand and pulled me up from my chair. His hand was warm and soft and I didn't want him let go.

"Where are we going?" I grabbed my bag off of my desk.

"It's a surprise," he left the room and when I didn't follow him, he stepped in, "Are you coming?"


"So, are we close to our destination?" I asked as we drove down the road to wherever it was he was taking me. I like surprises, but I'm a really lousy guesser. So far he wouldn't tell me anything.

"Maybe; maybe not," I could tell he was smirking just by the tone of his voice.

"I'm horrible at guessing! Just tell me or I'll rip this blindfold off," I threatened.

"I'd like to see you try, considering your hands are tied behind your back," he chuckled. I might've forgot about that, "Just a few more miles and we'll be there."

I sighed and noticed how silent it was, "Can you turn on the radio?"

"Sure, what station do you listen to?" he asked.

"I usually listen to my iPod, but since you tied me up, I can't grab it," I sighed.

"I'll get it," he reached for my purse but I kicked it with my foot, "Hey!"

"You are not using that as an excuse to get in my purse," I used my feet to pick my purse and threw it to the other side of my feet.

"Well I guess we're listening to silence," he sighed.

"Enjoy the silence," I mumbled.

"More old songs that no one listens to," he muttered.

"Well what do you listen to, Mr. Negativity?" I asked.

"Songs from this generation," he turned the car off and took my blindfold off, "We're here."

"Well I still can't get out. Can you take the tape off of my hands?" I whined as I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt. Dallas chuckled and unbuckled my seatbelt.

"I still can't open the door."

Dallas had already gotten out of the car and opened my door. He grabbed my arms and helped me get out without failing miserably. I looked around and saw a little diner that I saw on the way to Walker House. It looked friendly and peaceful.

It was exactly the opposite of my life right now.

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