Chapter 6: Dallas

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Pam said that we would be fitted for uniforms tomorrow and get all of our books so we could get it out of the way. We had a week before classes started. It would give us a chance to make friends and get used to the whole idea of boarding school.

There were eight of us in Walker House. Four boys and four girls. Upstairs was split in half so that boys had the left side and girls had the right.

I had met everyone in the house and they were all very nice to me.

Bonnie was about 5'7 with dark brown hair that went down to her shoulders. She had a good sense of humor and was always smiling, but she knew when to shut her mouth. That was rare these days. She was also skinny as a twig.

Charlotte wasn't much shorter than Bonnie, but she had blonde hair that went down to her waist. Her dad was rich. That means one thing to a teenage girl: Clothes. When she came to the house, she had five suitcases and those were just her shoes. She looked like a super model and acted like one.

Then there was Elly. Her real name was Eleanor, but that was too fancy for her. She was the same height as Charlotte and the same size. She had brown and brown eyes. She was very by-the-book and was always the teacher's pet. But she was still nice to me so that was okay. When I met her, she talked about all of her various family adventures of going to Paris and Australia and Egypt.

I was really glad I didn't have to worry about a mean girl in the house. But they were all taller than me by about seven or eight inches. That was a bummer.

Then there were the boys. All of them were different, but they all were friends. I had a feeling we would all jell together pretty well.

There was Wesley. You've already met him. He was really into music and art. He was nice and obviously thought I was cute, so...okay. I'll take it.

James was more of a player. When Wesley said he never had a girlfriend, he was lying. James had about ten girlfriend at the moment. All in different states, of course. I didn't see how that worked.

David was a character. He would soon become my gay best friend. He was really funny and had good sense of fashion. And he was a foot taller than me.

Dallas was different. Very different. He was the rebel. The one who need turned in homework assignments or did projects. He would trash your locker and laugh at you reaction. He was 6'2 and had dark brown hair that was pushed back. I would be lying if I said he wasn't attractive.

We all got along and hung out at the beach before school started. Except for Dallas. He stayed back at the house and stayed in his room.

"He doesn't like to be around people," Bonnie had said to me one day after I asked.

We were walking along the beach and I noticed he wasn't there. I thought it was weird that he didn't hang out with us. I guess I was so used to being alone that I would jump at any chance to hang out with someone. That wasn't the case for Dallas, I guess.

"But why not?" I asked.

"He's a loner. He doesn't like us so he does who knows what in his room," Charlotte answered.

"We all think he's a devil worshipper," David whispered,"The only time he comes out of his room is for school an food."

"Does he go to the bathroom?" I asked.

"I don't know. Our bathrooms are connected to our rooms. Aren't yours?" David asked.

"Yeah, but it just seems so weird!" I exclaim.

"Yep. That's what I thought when I first came here. He was held back a year. He should be a Junior," Bonnie nodded.

"So he's sixteen?" I asked.

"Look who can do math!" Charlotte laughed.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.


We got fitted for our uniforms three days before school started. They were navy blue. I was glad that they wouldn't be an ugly color.

The girls wore skirts and white button-ups underneath a jacket with the school emblem. No knee socks!Our skirts weren't that short, either. They came to mid-thigh.

Guys wore khakis and the same jacket.We also had to wear a tie. They were just plain navy blue.

I smiled as I put it on after I woke up on the last day of school. It made me feel like I belonged to something.

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