Chapter 13: Pinky Promises Aren't Sacred Anymore

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"What were you doing up there?" Charlotte asked.

"What's up there?" Bonnie asked.

"We shouldn't be up at this hour," Elly said frantically.

"I was sleepwalking. I have a horrible habit of doing that," I lied. I can lie really well. Bells thinks it's because I read so much.

"Then what's up there?" Charlotte questioned.

"My closet," I lied again. That was easy to detect considering they all heard footsteps and voices.

"Explain the footsteps, then," Bonnie asked with her arms crossed.

I knew I couldn't get out of this now.

I sighed, "There's a secret attic up there. I had a weird dream and I woke up there."

"No way!" Charlotte squealed.

"Can we see it?" Bonnie asked excitedly. Elly still looked unsure of it.

"Fine, but you have to keep it a secret," I said.

"Pinky promise," Charlotte and Bonnie held out their pinkies and smiled at me.

"Follow me," I turned to the closet and pushed my clothes back yet again. I climbed the stairs and crawled the fireplace like a pro.

"Whoa!" Charlotte gasped.

"This is really creepy," Bonnie shuddered.

"I really don't think we should be here," Elly was looking around like there was someone was waiting to shoot us all.

"What were you guys doing in my room anyways?" I asked suspiciously. I forgot about that.

"After the first week of school we usually have a party at 3:45sh. Doug never finds out about it because he's too busy hiding in his office downstairs," Bonnie said mischievously.

"Wait, he had two offices?" I inquired. Doug is kind of a creepy name that makes me think of rats. I shuddered.

"Yeah. He spends the night in his downstairs office because it has his bed in it and spends the day in the upstairs one," Charlotte looked around some more.

"We should come back here tomorrow. The party starts in thirty," Bonnie exclaimed.

"What do we wear?" I wasn't itchin' to wear dresses three in the morning. Not at all.

"Casual attire, but you're gonna wear nicer-looking casual attire because Dallas has been more open to us the last week because of you," Charlotte smirked, "He never came to these gatherings, but we have persuaded him into coming."

"I don't get it. He's a shut-in when we're at the house, but he ruins lockers and doesn't do homework at school," we were walking down the stairs to get back to my room now, "Is Wes going to be here?"

"Nope. Didn't want to face the guy who stole his woman," Bonnie chuckled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We all know that Wes liked you. Dallas likes you, too. I'm pretty sure we know who you like," Charlotte said in a 'duh' tone.

"Um, we have twenty minute now! I need to make myself look presentable so I don't look like a hobo who just crashed the party," she left hastily with a laugh.

"I'm going to go to bed. Have fun at the gathering thingy," Elly sighed and left with a yawn.

"Where is it at?" I asked.

"In your little attic," Charlotte giggle, "Did we not tell you that?"

"You promised you weren't going to tell anyone," I frowned.

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