Chapter 16: Is This a Date With Dallas?

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"Dallas, it's been so long since we've seen you! The usual table for you and your lovely friend?" an old waiter said as we stepped into the diner. All I could smell was coffee. I hadn't had coffee in a long time and that was the first thing I wanted when we sat down in the booth next to the window.

"What can I get for you two lovebirds?" the old waiter said and smiled.

"Coffee," I said and smiled back.

"Same here, Jerry," Dallas flipped our coffee mugs over and Jerry poured fresh coffee into each mug.

"I'll let you two look over the menu," Jerry walked away with another friendly smile.

"I take it you like this diner?" I put some cream and sugar into my mug and stirred it around.

"Yeah, it's nice here. I guess you could say I'm a regular," he folded his menu and set it to the side.

"What would you recommend, Mr. Regular?" I chuckled and put another packet of sugar in my coffee.

"Get a breakfast food," he took a sip of his coffee.

"Waffles it is," I sighed.

Jerry walked back to our table with a tray of our food. I was kid of confused at first, but then I realized that Dallas had been coming here for a long time. Jerry probably knew what Dallas liked. Then he set down a plate of waffles in front of me. I gave him a confused look, but he just said, "I heard you say you wanted waffles."

"Oh, yeah, thank you," I smiled. It was kind of weird that he was listening to our conversation, but I was too hungry to say anything.

"You two enjoy," Jerry smiled yet another smile that made you want to smile.

"He does like to listen to people's conversations a lot," Dallas admitted while taking a bit of sausage and syrup.

I grabbed another container of creamer and dumped it into the coffee.

"You really like sugar," he smiled.

"Yeah, it keeps me up in the morning," I noticed a waitress approaching our table and I swallowed a bite of bacon before she arrived.

"Hey, Dallas! Just seeing if you guys need anything," she looked back and forth between me and Dallas and gave us a smile of approval. I didn't know what they were approving, though. Wait, was this a date with Dallas?

"She would like some extra whipped cream on her waffle, if you don't mind, Linda," Dallas asked politely.

"Sure thing!" she walked back into the kitchen with a smile. These people have amazingly kind smiles.

"I assumed you liked whipped cream," he smiled and stole a piece of my bacon.

"I love whipped cream!" I squealed. The waitress came back a few seconds later with a bowl filled to the top with whipped cream.

"I didn't know how much you needed, so I brought a whole soup bowl filled with it," she set it down next to my plate, "Enjoy."

"Thank you," I said as I poured the whole bowl with a smile. Dallas stole another piece of my bacon with a mischievous smile.

"Do you want my bacon?" I asked offering him the last piece on my plate, "I'm not a big fan of it unless it's my grandma's."

He gave me a surprised look "You don't like bacon?"

I shook my head and scooped up some whipped cream off of my waffle, "Never did."

"I can't believe I took a girl on a date and she doesn't even like bacon," he shook his head and ate his hash brown after dipping it in ketchup.

"So that's why all of your friends have been giving us the special treatment," I concluded.

"Yes and no. I always get the special treatment because I'm a regular, I guess. But they have heard of you and wanted to make it extra special," he smiled.

"You've talked about me?" I cocked an eyebrow with a smirk.

"Well, you're the first person to get a scholarship for Hilton High in 30 years," he said.

"Who got one 30 years ago?" I asked.

He sighed and ate another bite of sausage, "Sara."

I looked down at my plate and swallowed some more whipped cream off of my golden brown waffles, "Why is she always following me?"

"She's your relative, right?" I nodded, "Ask your parents over Thanksgiving break about her so you can go through photo albums together."

"That's brilliant, thank you, Dallas," I stole one of his sausage patties with a smile.

After we finished our food and Dallas paid, we drove back to the house and this time, we got to listen to music.


"Details," that was the first thing Charlotte and Bonnie said when we walked through the door. They were standing there leaning against the staircase, waiting eagerly for my answer.

"Well, it's been fun, but I should get going. I have a lot of important things to do," Dallas said. "Goodbye, Lena."

He walked up the stairs and waved before going down the hallway.

"Details," Charlotte and Bonnie said again.

"Nothing happened, he just took me to a diner for breakfast," I shrugged and walked up the stairs.

"Wait! We're not done with you yet!" Bonnie said while following me.

"Yeah, when we say details, we want everything down to the last word spoken" Charlotte said as we got into my room.

I sighed and at down in my bed, "He walked in my room this morning and told me that I wasn't going to do the usual today. He then blindfolded me, tied my hands behind my back, and drove me to a diner and we got breakfast."

"Aww, he kidnapped you just so you could eat together? That is so cute!" Bonnie cried.

"That sounds like the start to a beautiful relationship!" Charlotte agreed.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my laptop, "I just want to watch Netflix."

"Ooh, great idea," Bonnie jumped on my bed and scooted over next to me. Charlotte plopped down next to me as well and we watched The Office.

"Jim and Pam are my favorite TV couple of all time," Bonnie said with her mouth full of Fruit Loops that I had stashed under my nightstand along with the cleaning supplies.

"I like-" I started.

"Andy and April from Parks and Recreation, we know. You've said it about 15 times," Charlotte rolled her eyes.

We ended up watching three seasons of The Office the rest of the day and eating a whole box of Fruit Loops.

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