Chapter 18: Who Would've Thought?

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I woke up surrounded by darkness. All I could see was a wooden table a few feet away from me. My head hurt like crazy and my whole body was stiff from laying on the hard, cold, and dusty floor.

Where am I? Who hit me on the back of my head? What are they going to do to me? What if Doug found out that we knew and is going to kill me? Wouldn't he bring Charlotte and Bonnie too? Or is it just me that poses as a threat? I couldn't stop myself from asking questions. I was terrified of what was going to happen and I was praying to God that nothing would.

Maybe someone will rescue me. Maybe they noticed that I was gone and went to look for me. I was so confused. I needed an aspirin.

I sat there for what seemed like hours until I heard a door slam and footsteps coming toward me.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice cracking. I was hoping it was someone coming to save me from whatever this was.

"Lena?" it was Dallas!

"Dallas! I was afraid I would be stuck in here forever!" I said relieved.

He appeared in the dark room with a smile, "Don't worry, you wouldn't be stuck down here forever."

Dallas wrapped his warm arms around me and I was thankful for him. I tried to read his mind to see what he was thinking, but I couldn't. I obviously wasn't strong enough.

"Are you sure?" I whispered.

"I won't be alive forever. You would be in the ground before I died," I looked up and he was smirking.

"What do you mean?" I asked, scared of the answer.

He got up and let me drop to the ground, "Poor Lena. I thought you were smarter than that."

"Intelligence has nothing to do with this. I put my trust in someone who couldn't be trusted obviously," I said. I was disappointed in myself. How could I not see it? He never wanted to talk about Sara. It was almost suspicious. I am dumb.

"Nope, that's not it. You're just stupid," he said with a small chuckle.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I need to. This is what my family does for a living: Witch hunting," he walked over to the table and leaned against it.

"I'm not a witch," I spat bitterly.

"No, you're right. You're a mind reader. I've been training my mind for occasions like these. You can only read my mind when I open it up."

"You said your parents died in a plane crash. Was that true?" I asked.

"That was true, but it was also Wesley's family's fault. There are two sides to this whole thing: The people who want to destroy they supernatural, and the ones who want to help them," he answered.

"Like V.F.D?" I asked.

He sighed, "I don't know what that is, and I don't care."

"It stands for Volunteer Fire Department from A Series of Unfortunate Event by Lemony Snicket. There are two sides of it as well. One-" I started.

"What did I just say?" he snapped. I quickly shut up and mumbled an apology.

"A whole group of people just like my family were on that plane. Wesley's family had the pilot crash on purpose. The pilot survived of course," he looked down at the table and sighed.

"Doug didn't kill Sara, did he? It was your dad," I said, trying to blink back the tears.

"My family has been using this technique for generations. We find one, tell them a sad story to turn them against their friends, charm them, and finish the job. It's quite simple actually," he smiled.

"You only turned me against Wesley, though."

"I messed up there. You had help from your friends and "solved" the case. All I had to do was plant a few pictures in the creepy caretakers office to get me back on track," he picked up a machete with a red handle and slowly walked over to me.

"Careful, you might get blood everywhere if you use a machete. It might leave evidence," my voice quivered.

"This is what everyone in my family uses. I don't want to break tradition. And no one will find this place, trust me."

In all of the books, right before the girl is about to get kissed, her heart beats so loud that she's afraid that the guy can hear it too. In my situation, right before I was going to get chopped up, my heart was beating so loud that I was afraid Dallas was going to laugh in my face and torture me before he killed me.

He looked at the long knife with a smirk ad swung. But before the blade was in me, there was a loud bang and footsteps coming towards us.


Dallas groaned and stood up, "Why does this sort of crap always happen. Can't the villains just kill the good guys and get on with their lives?"

"Why are you trying to kill her?" Wes questioned.

"Does it matter?" Dallas replied coldly.

"Why are you trying to kill her?" Wesley repeated.

"This little bitch is a mind reader. And as you know, my family makes a living off of these kinds of people," Dallas smiled.

Wesley was shocked. He probably couldn't believe it, "Your parents?" was all he could think of.

"They died in the pane along with the rest of their friends and partners. They were all like me. You parents are the opposite, they save the freaks from us."

"Is that why I didn't go to their funeral? Because my parents found out about their line of work?" Wes asked.


"You know that you don't have to be like your parents, right?"

"This isn't Disney, Wes," Dallas said and looked down at the machete in his hands.

"Well, can I persuade you to stop?" Wes tried.

Dallas chuckled and shook his head. I knew he was going to swing again, but I didn't cry. I knew I was going to die, but didn't beg for my life. I didn't care at this point. There was nothing I could do at all. Nothing Wesley could do. Obviously Dallas wasn't going to stop this.

He swung again, but it didn't hit me. I heard Dallas groan again and footsteps were coming toward us for the second time, stopping my death.

"Freeze!" a loud and deep voice shouted. I felt relief wash over me and smiled. There were almost a dozen police men in the room.

Wes looked very proud of himself and held up his phone, "I pre-dialed 911 before I came to find you."

One man handcuffed Dallas and dragged him out of the room that we were in. Another man helped untie my hands and help me up. My legs felt weak, but I could stand.

Wesley helped me out of the room and I saw the we were underneath the gardening shed. There was a set of stairs that led down from behind the wall of different types of tools. How they found me, I don't know.


I am sooo sorry for not updating! I went to camp for a week and couldn't finish this chapter. Then my laptop stopped working so I had to fix it. And to top it all off, I had no idea how to write this chapter. Anyways, I hoped y'all liked it an don't hate me because of it!

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