Chapter 7: First Day of School

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During breakfast I sat next to Wesley and grabbed a piece of banana bread. It was really good and moist. Pam was a good cook!

"Good morning, lovelies," Pam smiled and walked in from the kitchen. She set a bowl of fruit on the table.

"Good morning," we all smile.

I still haven't met our house father yet. I hope he's as nice as Pam.

"Hey, Lena, are you ready for the first day?" Charlotte asked me while putting syrup on her waffle.

"I guess," I sighed,"I have no choice if I'm ready or not, so. . ."

"Don't worry about it! My first day went really well," James said with a mouthful of cereal.

The room got deathly quiet as Dallas walked in the room and sat down in the only empty seat: Next to me.

I shifted uncomfortably in my chair and took another bite of banana bread. Everybody looked at me and him like they couldn't believe it.

Hell, I couldn't believe it.

"Oh, good morning, Dallas," Pam said. She looked shocked. Join the club.

"Morning," he mumbled.

"Can you pass me an apple," he asked me.

"Oh, um, yeah," I muttered and handed him an apple. This was awkward since nobody was talking.

Dallas got up and left with his apple and his book bag in hand. I still sat there shocked.

"I thought he would never leave!" Bonnie sighed and laughed.

"I know! He's never spoke to us. Maybe your special," James laughed.

Why does it seem like everyone is always laughing? At my old school people never smiled. It was all serious.

It's like they're all drugged. . .

Just kidding!


My first class was advanced English and I sure was glad! It was my favorite subject partly because I read the books before my teacher ever mentioned them to the class. I was also a very good writer.

I walked into the class and sat down at the only available table. No one in my house had this class. It was good to have a break from all of the giggles and I had a chance to meet more people.

"Is this seat taken?" I spoke too soon. Dallas was standing in front of me pointing to the chair next to mine.

"Oh, no, it's not," I said shocked. I thought he hated everyone. He was the one no one talked to or sat next to. Nobody likes him and he didn't like anybody. But he sat down next to me and got out his black composition notebook.

We didn't say anything to each other until our teacher, Mr. Jackson, told us to introduce ourselves to our partner of the year.

One whole year sitting next to the outsider of the school. Oh, dear.

"I'm Dallas. I'll be your partner for the year, I guess," he smiled. He had a nice smile. And nice eyes, now that I think of it. He was breathtaking!

Dark hair, blue eyes. I didn't know that was genetically possible. Earning an A in this class would be hard!

Shut up, Lena! Introduce yourself!

"I'm Lena. I guess we will," I smiled back.

I didn't want to read his mind. I want it to be a surprise.

"This year we will be doing a project that involves both you and your partner. I hope you're sitting by a responsible student," Mr. Jackson started handing papers out to everyone.

"What's the project?" a girl in the front row asked.

'You and your partner will be co-writing a story. You both will have to spend time together so you can get ideas. I'm handing out the rubric now," he answered.

Even better. Not only am I partners with the school's line wolf, I have to spend time with him. He's cute, but what will they all think of me when I'm hanging out in his room with him.

They won't talk to me. Or worse: Make fun of me.

Mr. Jackson handed me a paper and I quickly read over it:

Co-writing project

You and your partner will co-write a book together. It can be any genre or theme. Due at the end of the year.

Must have:

-At least 50 pages
-Five characters
-A plot twist

That's not too bad. I guess fifty pages is a lot, but it will just flow. I've never written with someone else. I really don't want to have someone other than a teacher read my stories. It's kind of like singing in front of a room full of people to me.

I'm used to being in control of my own writing. I guess I'll have to do it.

"You guys will have the rest of today to get some ideas and talk about the plots," Mr. Jackson sat down at the desk and got on his computer.

"Well how about we work on settings? That's the first thing I do when I write," Dallas said. Funny, that's the first thing I do when I write.

"Yeah, sure. That's the first thing I do," I got out a piece of paper to write my ideas and he did the same thing at the same time.

"It seems like we do a lot of things in common," he chuckled. Even when he chuckled he looked gorgeous!

Focus, Lena! This would be a long year!

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