Chapter 5: A Bit Suspicious

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The flight was about 12 hours. I spent the time reading Harry Potter. I finished it in a few hours. I love Harry Potter books. It's realistic even though it fantasy. I wish it was real.

There was a little chart on the wall that showed the time differences for other places. That's helpful!

In Ohio, it would be about 2:15 a.m. Everyone would be asleep at this time so I decided to wait until I got to the house.

I called a cab and they said it would be about thirty minutes. I decided to buy some food because I was starving. I like food. And Harry Potter. I wish I were at a feast. That'd be cool. I would get to see Nearly Headless Nick.

And Harry Potter.

My cab arrived exactly thirty minutes later. Thankfully, the cab driver wasn't a rapist. He was pretty nice. He also smelled like old people.

"Where to, Miss?" he asked me once I managed to settle in my seat.

"Hilton High," I answered.

He started to drive out of the parking lot and looked at me through the mirror,"That's a very fine school. I was going to attend but my parents sent me to another boarding school."

"Why? I mean, if it's such a good school why would they send you to another one?" I asked,"If you don't mind me asking."

"They said weird things happened there."

That was all he said before we arrived at the house.


As I opened a door, a lady with short brown hair with a big, friendly smile greeted me. She must be the house mother.

"Hi, I'm Pam. You must be Lena!" she said. I was going to shake her hand, but she pulled me in for a hug instead.

"Yeah, that's me," I said.

The house was really nice. It had a fancy grand staircase like you see in movies. I was impressed! It looked like there were only a couple of people in the living room that were eating cookies and such.

"I'll get one of the boys to carry your luggage to your room," she smiled,"Wesley, help Lena with her bags, please."

A boy with dark hair and blue eyes walked into the foyer. He smiled at me and looked down at Pam since he was a foot taller than her. And me.

"What room is she staying in?" he asked her while be picked up my suitcases.

"The one at the end of the hall," she said.

He looked a little shocked. But he turned to me and smiled,"Follow me."

I followed him upstairs to a wide hallway,"I'm Wesley by the way."

"Lena," I smile at him.

"I should probably tell you something about this room," he sighed,"There was a girl named Sara who had this room about thirty years ago. She went missing and when they found her. . . she was dead."

"So, some evil spirit will come and kill me in my sleep?" I asked.

"Probably. But I'm not going to let that happen," he smiled at me.

Now is the perfect time to see what he thinks of me.

'She's pretty cute.'

"Well thank you. What do I do when I'm done unpacking?"

"You can join us in the living room for cookies and lemonade!" he said with fake enthusiasm.

"Okay, I think I might do that," I smiled.

'God, she's adorable!'

"I'll leave you to your packing. Oh, and don't worry about the whole Sara situation. It's probably a rumor," he smiled at me again before he walked out of my room and down the stairs to the living room.

I think I might like him.

I took my sheets and blankets out first to make my bed. I hate not having a made bed. That's the first thing I do when I clean my room. I'm kind of a neat freak.

I put all of my clothes and such in the closet and put my pictures on the desk.

The bed was really comfy, thank God! I would die if it was lumpy and I had to sleep on it all year. That's torture for me. That and wet socks.

When I was done I walked down to the living room. Wesley was talking to some other guy with blonde hair. People were still arriving at the house. There were three more people that weren't there when I came.

"Hey, Lena!" Wesley called me over and introduced me to the boy he was talking to,"This is my buddy James."

"Hey, I'm James," James stuck out his and and I shook it.

"I'm Lena," I said and smiled. I've been smiling a lot lately.

'She's pretty cute, if I do say so myself. I wonder if she has a boyfriend? Wesley probably claimed her already.'

I think it's funny how everyone says that about me. At my old school nobody liked me. I didn't have any friends and I read every book before we read it in English. Ironic.

My hair was long and black and I could never control it. It wasn't curly, but it wasn't straight or wavy. It was always different. My eyes were awful. I had a lazy eye and a vein that was visible underneath the other. One was green and the other was almost a blue. I was extremely short at 4'11. Everyone towered over me. Even Annie.

"Wes was just talking about you! And I must say, your as pretty as he said you were," James grinned.

Wesley elbowed him in his stomach and smiled apologetically,"I'm sorry about him. He's never had a girlfriend
in his life. Want a cookie?"

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