Chapter 14: The Adventures of Truth or Dare

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James looked over at Charlotte with a mischievous look, "I dare you to sneak into Doug's office and steal his journal."

Everyone froze except for me.

'Is she really going to do it? ' Thought Bonnie.

'I hope she doesn't die.' Thought David.

'Maybe Lena should go too.' James thought.


I guess his journal is very special and very scary. Charlotte squeaked and mumbled something inaudible. She stood up, but before she left James stopped her, "Take Lena with you so she can experience the office for the first time."


"Fine, I'll go," I said and stood up and walked down the stairs with Charlotte.

"Thanks for coming with me," Charlotte smiled at me.

"No problem. I want to see what his office is like. He stays in it all day, what's so fascinating about it?" I asked.

"You'll see." she sighed as we walked down the hallway towards the dreaded office.

"It's probably going to be locked," I told her when we standing in front of the door.

"That's why I brought my handy-dandy bobby pin. It's my key to doors when I forget a key. That and if someone locks the door and I want to snoop," she pulled a black bobby pin and bent it a bit and put it in the lock. After she twisted it, we heard a clicking noise, "We're in."

Then I found out why people thought his office was so creepy. There was a glass case of keys, but that was normal for a caretaker of an old property with multiple doors. There was an old picture of Walker house when it was first built, also normal. But the thing that was off about the room was the other pictures on the wall. They were of one person and that was it. Sara Rollen. To someone who didn't know about her, they were pictures of me.

'Those weren't there before!' Charlotte thought.

"Oh my God!" Charlotte looked as surprised as I did. She obviously didn't know that these were here.

"I thought that was what you all were talking about," I was terrified now. I had my own personal stalker.

"No, not at all. There used to be pictures of the house where these pictures were. We all thought that was kind of creepy. It was like he was obsessed with the house. But now, this is terrifying beyond belief," she looked at a picture on the wall that showed Sara's class picture.

"Can we just grab the damn journal and go?" I said frantically. This was really freaking me out.

"You can wait in the hall while I get it from his desk," she gave me a concerned look and walked over to the desk.

"Yeah, I'll be outside," I quickly walked out and started pacing. One picture would be creepy, but they were all over the walls. I wonder if that's why he never showed himself when I first arrived. One creepy caretaker.

"Okay, I'm done now. Let's hurry up and get back into the attic," Charlotte had a black leather book in her left and shut the door and locked it.

When we arrived back in the attic, they were all waiting for us on the couch. Dallas noticed the look on my face as soon as I walked in.

"What's wrong?" he asked with genuine concern.

"When me and Charlotte walked in, there were pictures all over the wall. You couldn't even see the wallpaper," I sighed and poured myself a cup of Pepsi and chugged it down.

"Yeah, we now. It's creepy, right? All those pictures of the house," David said. James laughed at the reaction I had because it was my first time. But he had no idea.

"That's not what we saw," Charlotte shook her head and sat down.

"What?" they all said in unison with confusion on all of their faces.

"I took pictures of what they were in case you wouldn't believe us," Charlotte took her phone out and passed it around.

"Why does he have pictures of Lena?" David asked.

"They aren't of me. Well, not exactly," I picked up the senior pictures on the shelf and showed them Sara.

"Sara?" Bonnie questioned.

"She's my aunt, I guess. She was in my dream," I sat down next to Dallas with a sigh.

"I would love to hear more, but we have a game of Truth or Dare to finish," James said and grabbed another cookie.

"Yeah, it got really creepy in here," David agreed.

"My turn!" Charlotte exclaimed, "Lena, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," I said, scared that I would encounter something else that I didn't want to see.

"What is the biggest secret that you have?" she asked.

I felt Dallas tense up next to me. Then I heard the small voice in the back of my head saying, 'Don't tell them.'

It was Dallas' voice. I just brushed it off, "I'm an open book."

"Oh, come on! Nothing?" James asked.

"What do you want to know?" I asked with a smirk.

"Any boyfriends?" Charlotte wiggled her eyebrows.

"Never," I answered honestly. No one at my old school ever like me. I had friends, of course, but not any boyfriends. The only reason someone wanted me in their group was because they had something against me or they needed my brain. Someone actually cheated off of my paper in history and the teacher didn't even care. Oh, well. I had the highest grade in that class and I bet they're living with the guilt. Probably not, but I can dream.

"Well, I'm going to play matchmaker!" Charlotte squealed.

"David, T or D?" James asked.

"Truth." he grabbed a cupcake and licked all of the frosting off.

"Do you have any stuffed animals on your bed at this moment? Maybe one named Mr. Snuggly-Lamb?" James tilted his head to the side and smiled innocently.

"Maybe," David murmured.

We all laughed until Bonnie chimed in, "Dallas?"

"Truth," he sat back and crossed his arms like he was ready for anything.

"Why isn't anyone picking dare?" James asked, frustrated.

Charlotte gave Bonnie a nod and Bonnie giggled, "Who do you like?"

"What is this? Third grade?" he chuckled.

We all knew what he was going to say. They just wanted to make him say it. I felt so scared and nervous. I knew why.

"Who do you like?" Bonnie asked.

"None of you," he said cockily and winked at me.

I really like these gathering things!

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