Chapter 4: That's Subtle

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"Mom, I'm fine!" I said as we drove down the road to the airport. It was already Tuesday. I would miss my family a lot so they came with me to the airport. Annie was the most upset. We did everything together. Of course, we would have our sister fights, but we also sang dramatic duets together. At the end of the day, we loved each other.

"I know, but you'll always be my baby," my mom said. She was close to tears.

"Mom, don't cry!" I pleaded. If she cried I would cry.

"Lena, will you Skype me, write to me, text me, call me, and send owls to me?" Annie asked.

"Of course I will, Bells," I assured her. Her full name is Annabelle, but it was too classy for her. We all called her Annie, but I called her Bells.

"We're here, guys," Dad said cheerfully. It was like he wanted me to go.

The airport was busy with people in suits to people in sweatpants and messy buns.

I never liked messy buns. I don't know why. Every girl at my school was all about the leggings and messy bun life. I can't wear leggings either. They aren't pants! They're something to go underneath skirts and shorts and such. Not just as pants. I always wore jeans and jean shorts to any public place. If I was staying at home, I would wear athletic shorts, but-

'What is she doing?'

"Lena!" my mom yelled. I looked up.

She was standing in front of me.


"I said can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked.

I nodded and she led me to a vacant area,"Have you been hearing things?"

"That's very direct," I said. Did she know about the voices? How could she have? Maybe she could also hear them.

"Have you?" she asked again.

"Yes I have. At first I thought it was Annie playing pranks on me, but then I ward another voice when I was talking to Frank. I thought I was losing it!" I exclaimed. My mom just nodded to herself as I talked.

"It was the same for me when I was your age. I asked your grandma and she told me."

"Told you what?" I questioned. What was she talking about?

"She told me what I'm going to tell you: Your a mind reader," she said.

Damn. That's subtle.


"So..." I trailed off. How was I supposed to react to that?

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, but I'm here if you need anything," she smiled.

"Well I'm being shipped of to boarding school momentarily. Earlier would've been a better time to mention I can read people's deepest, darkest secrets," I said.

"First call for the flight to Seaport. First call for flight to Seaport."

"Oh, honey, I'm gonna miss you so much. Stay in contact. Call me once a week and once your flight lands," she kissed my head and walked me to the terminal.


On the plane, I realized that I didn't get to say goodbye to my dad. Or Annie. To top it all off, my mom told me nothing else about this whole mind reading thing.

Do I concentrate on the person and it'll just come to me? Do I have to practice it? Thanks, mom.

I guess I'll try it.

There was a boy sitting next to me. He was about my age with dark brown hair. He had a very nice jawline.

I concentrated on him for a few minutes and then I heard it.

'I wonder what the girl next to me is thinking. Maybe she's thinking about me? No not a chance.'

That's ironic. But kinda creepy. Let's try it out again.

A flight attendant pushed down a cart of food down the aisle and stopped at the seats behind me.

"Would you like anything off of the cart?" she asked with a fake smile.

'Just decide already, bitch! I want to get off of this Godforsaken plane!'

Well then. She walked up to my seat,"Would you like anything off of the cart?"

"No thank you," I said politely. Maybe she shouldn't have been a flight attendant!

'Will someone buy something already?'

She needs to be a bit nicer. I might just write a letter to this airline. But what would I say? She was thinking bad thoughts of everyone? I know because I read her mind?

That would get me into the loony house for sure!

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