Chapter 3: My Imagination

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I hated looking at the alarm clock when I woke up. I was always afraid I slept in too much for some reason. It was like I was getting judged by an object that couldn't speak.

Thankfully that morning I woke up at a perfect time of 8:34 a.m. I was a morning person. None of my family gets up that time so I get a little time to myself.

I made some tea and sat down on the couch to watch TV. I took a sip of my tea and slammed it down on the end table when it burnt my tongue. Crap.

I ran to the freezer, grabbed some ice and put it on the burnt spot. That's better. I sat on the counter and let the ice sit.

Whenever I'm alone I think of the weirdest things. My mind traveled to what happened last night. It was probably nothing, but nothing strange happens here. Everything is normal.

I couldn't continue my thought because the doorbell rang. I jumped down from the counter and attempted to take the ice off of my tongue.

But I couldn't. It was stuck! The ice wasn't melted enough to fit my whole tongue in my mouth. As if on cue, the doorbell rang yet again.

I sighed and ran to the door. It was only the mailman. The mailman was well known in our town. He was just another citizen that knew where we lived. That sounds creepy.

"Hey, Frank," I said as best as a could with the ice in my mouth. It sounded like a series of 'blahs'.

"Hello, Lena. Seems like you got yourself in a predicament," he tried not to laugh.

'How stupid could you be to get ice stuck on your tongue?'

"What?" I frowned a little, but I couldn't with the ice. Frank was never mean to me! No one was mean to me!

"I asked how you got ice stuck on your tongue," He said.

"Oh, I thought you said something else," It must have been my imagination. But there was a voice in the back of my head telling me that I didn't imagine it.

Frank's face fell. Maybe he did say something.

"Well, anyway, here's your mail," he said while he handed me a few letters.

"Ok, thanks!" I yell as he walked down the sidewalk.

I walk inside and set the mail down on the dining room table. My tea is probably cold! Ugh. I hate when it gets cold.


"Hey, hon."

My mom was standing in the doorway in my room. She had a plate of cookies in her hand.

"Hey, mom," I smiled.

"I'm sorry about the whole boarding school thing," she sighed and sat down on my bed next to me. She held out the plate of cookies,"Cookie?"

I shook my head,"It's okay. I've always wanted to go to a boarding school!"

"Well I'm glad. Your brilliant! It would be an awful mistake if you weren't excepted. I mean it!" she said and rubbed my back.

"Did you guys enroll me, or something?" I asked.

"Nope. They sent the letter saying they were interested," Mom stated proudly.

"When do I have to leave?" Summer was almost over and that meant school. I enjoyed my summer, I finished about thirteen books. Not enough for me, but it was a decent amount.

"This Tuesday. You'll go to the airport and fly to the island's airport. There will be a cab waiting for you to drive you to the house. Everything is panned out, don't worry," she told me. Today was Saturday! I had one full day to say goodbye to everyone. It was going to be hard.

"Monday we will have a going away party for you. Also, start packing. Bring all of your clothes and maybe a few pictures or memories. Don't forget your bedspread and sheets," Mom got up and walked out of my room.

She left the plate of cookies behind.


By Monday, I was all packed up and ready to leave. Annie made sure the clothes I picked were good enough. Apparently 'I have the worst taste in fashion.' Oh well.

The party was over by 7:30. All of my
family members were there. My family brings so much food to family functions that its overwhelming.

But I love them.

Annie and me stuck together the past few days considering we wouldn't be seeing each other for a while.

I would really miss everyone.

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