Chapter 2: Scary Cab driver

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My parents were talking about how much fun boarding school will be. Annie kept talking about the boys I will meet. I just thought about leaving my friends behind and meeting new

"Don't worry, honey, it'll be fun! Boarding school is where I met your dad!" my mom cheered.

"Gross, Mom!" Annie fake gagged.

" and your father have some news," mom smiled. You knew my mom meant business when she said 'father' instead of 'dad.'

"We're pregnant!" she yelled.

"Your, like, 50!" Annie yelled. I laughed so hard my sides started to hurt.

"Actually, I'm 37. We wanted to tell you tonight but Lena got excepted to the school," mom said.

"Yeah, how did I get excepted? I barley passed science with an A," I guess you could say I was a bit of a nerd.

"Honey, don't beat yourself up!" Dad said.

As we were drove down the road, my dad ran something over. It must have been sharp because Dad told us we had a flat tire.

That killed his mood.

"Damn it! There was a fucking nail in the road," he cursed. There wasn't a reason to shout profanities at the tire.

"Don't get yourself worked up again, Jim. I'll just call a cab," Mom said rubbing my dad's back.

I've never been in a cab before. I thought my town didn't have cabs. I guess I was wrong. Twenty-five minutes later a yellow cab pulled up in front of us. I wasn't sure how we would fit in there since there were four of us.

"Lena, can you sit up front?"

Damn it.

The cab driver was a man in his mid 40's. He looked like a rapist, though.

When I sat down he grinned at me like I was his next victim. Maybe I would've been if it weren't for my parents in the car. Thank God for them!

I zipped my jacket up more so it was fully zipped. Just in case.

"Where to?" the creep cab driver asked.

My parent gave him the address and sat in the back seats.

This would be a long, uncomfortable ride.


"That cab driver was checking you out!" Annie exclaimed when we got back home.

We were sitting on her bed wearing our pajamas. She was hugging a pillow to her chest while I was checking out Hilton High on the website.

"I know right! I think he was a rapist," I shuddered.

"What if he had a victim in the trunk!" she said, horrified at the thought.

"Annie!" I yell,"That's horrible. Maybe he was just a creepy old man and nothing else."

"Any way, did you check out Hilton yet?" she asked, laying down on her bed.

"Yeah. It's pretty hard to get into. I have no idea how I made it. Why would mom and dad want me out of the house?" I asked.

"Maybe they just wanted more space for the baby," she offered.

"Yeah, about that, you had no idea? I mean, earlier you were joking about her being pregnant."

"I swear! I was guessing. But Mom was acting weird. Morning sickness, eating a lot, wearing baggy clothes..." she listed.

"How far along is she?" I asked.

"I have no idea. Boarding school," she reminded me.

"It's nice I guess," I said,"What do you want to know?"

"Boys. Houses. Are you in Gryfindor?" Annie yawned. You could tell she was getting tired.

"I don't know, it doesn't say, the houses are nice and biggish, and of course I'm in Gryfindor! And it's on an island."

"What! No fair! I want to go to scool on an island! Ok, now get out! I'm tired," she got underneath the covers, grabbed another pillow and put it underneath her head.

"Goodnight." I walked out of her room and walked down the hall to mine.

'Lena, don't go'

Oh. My. God.

I walked a little faster to my room and I tried to calm myself down.

Maybe it was just my head. Maybe it was a ghost! Maybe Annie was pulling a prank on me. Maybe it was a ghost! I was probably just tired. But it sounded like Annie.

I stopped and walked back to Annie's room and opened the door, but she was sleeping.

Something was up.

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