Name: Akane Age: TBD (To Be Determined) Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Species: Half human and Half Formling Appearance:
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(Unlike other Formlings, instead of a hat she wears a dragon pendant.)
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ragon Form-
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Ninja gi- Orange and Red Personality: She is kind, caring, compassionate, confident, passionate, protective, loyal, independent, tomboyish, adventurous, and determined. However, she can be hotheaded, stubborn, impulsive, and easy to rage. Element: The Dragon Flame (also known as the Dragon's Flame, Dragon Fire, Sacred Fire, or Flame of Life) Elemental Powers/Abilities: Dragon Fire Attacks- The ability to release/use dragon fire energy for various attacks. Dragon Fire Breath- The ability to generate from within oneself dragon fire energy and release them from the mouth. Dragon Fire Blast- The power to release dragon fire energy on a specific target location. Dragon Fire Beam Emission- The power to project beams of dragon fire energy. Dragon Fire Energy- Releases a large amount of Dragon Fire energy. Dragon Fire Ray- Knocks a person out with a steady beam of fire energy. Ball of Dragon Fire- Shoots a ball of fire at an enemy. Dragon Fireball- Shoots a great fireball that home in on the target and explodes violently on contact.
Dragon Fire Storm- The user unleashes a storm of fire beams in rage. F
laming Dragon Fury- Strikes with intense Dragon Fire energy. Dragon Fire Essence- Charges at target while becoming one with the dragon, then releasing the dragon as an attack. Dragon Fire Arrow- Shoots a quick-pulse beam of fire at the target. Dragon Flame Fusion- Unite the two flames from her palm to create one super heated flame that can melt down walls. Dragon Wings of Fire- Surrounds target in either a sphere or an aura of orange energy that allows them soar through the air. Flaming Dragon Armor- Summons a defense shield of Dragon Fire. Draconic Flame Sphere- Traps someone in a magical, impenetrable sphere. Dracon Flaming Supernova- Slams a hand against the ground and releases an explosion of white-pink energy in anger. W
eapon: Sword Likes: Dragons, spicy dragon peppers (found in the Realm of Oni and Dragons), adventure, music, singing, dancing, training, fighting, flying, her family, and her friends Dislike: Feeling useless, bullies, liars, cheaters, thieves, crime, and villains. Fear(s): Oni
Crush: TBD (To Be Determined) Family: Kiyora and Akita (Parents), Lupe (Younger Sister), Wyldfyre (Aunt), Roby (Uncle), Kataru (Uncle), and Others (Unknown) Favorite song:
Backstory: TBD (To Be Determined) Others: She would probably be voiced by Amanda C. Miller.