Name: Amoly Rose Hamato Nickname: Amy,Ames,Rose,and Rosy; but Raph and Casey like to call her Pinky Age: Same as her brothers Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Species: Mutant Turtle Hero or Villain?: Hero Series: 2012 Appearance: She has no hair, light green skin, grey eyes, wears a light pink mask tied into a bow on the back of her head, about the same height as Mikey.
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Personality: She is kind, caring, timid, shy, cautious, and, compassionate,but there is also a side of her that is bubbly, curious,loyal,adventurous, and determined. Crush: Lloyd Garmadon Friends: April, Casey, Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, Nya, Lloyd, Master Wu, Misako, etc. Family: Splinter, Karai (Sister), and Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey (Brothers) Weapons: Dancing Ribbons
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Powers: She can heal others using a magic mantra just like her brother Leo and Master Splinter.
Abilities: She is very agile and Master Splinter and the turtles are teaching her to be a Kunochi. Likes: Her friends and family, cheese pizza with pepperoni,sweets (especially chocolate),fluffy things, flowers,cute animals,video games, watching tv and movies,listening to music,singing and drawing (but is shy of performing in front of other people),reading books,comics, meditation,and training to be a kunochi. Dislikes: Her brothers being overprotective of her, bullies,cheaters,liars,thieves,evil,and villains. Favorite Song:
Background: She's lived in the sewers of New York City all of her life with her father and brothers and protected New York City with her brothers; but after defeating the Shredder and other villains and losing her father, New York has been peaceful. However, one day she, her brothers, and the others get transported to Ninjago, meet the Ninja, and help the Ninja protect Ninjago. Other: She would probably be voiced by Cristina Vee.