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Name: Fritz Gordon Walker
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Species: Half human and half Cyborg

Name: Fritz Gordon WalkerAge: Unknown Gender: Male Sexuality: HomosexualSpecies: Half human and half CyborgAppearance:

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Personality: He is a daring, attention-seeking adventurer. He loves to explore and do bold and exciting things to stand out, get noticed and have fun. He can be impulsive; he can't sit still too long before jumping into action, often without thinking it through.
He is light-hearted, talkative, and always telling jokes, most of which are only funny to himself. He usually does this to cover up fear and anxiety. He is also sensative in both positive and negative ways of thinking. He is somewhat high-strung, typically being the first to panic in dire situations. He enjoys boasting about his abilities, such as inventing, tinkering, and dancing, much to the annoyance of others, but he proves to be a good friend and a skilled fighter. He is fond of those he is loyal to and has a lot of faith in his friends, but will go against them if they wrong him. He is likable and charismatic, despite being annoying sometimes. He also gets a laugh out of making fun of his friends.
Elemental Powers: Lightning
Elemental Abilities:
Lightning- He can harness the power of Lightning to create a Spinjitzu tornado of pure electricity. He can also seemingly fly with his powers, although he hasn't used this ability ever since, as it seemed to be part of his True Potential abilities. His lightning powers were enhanced further by the Nunchucks of Lightning, and later by his Elemental Blade.
Elemental Dragon- Like all other Elemental Masters who managed to overcame their fears, he is capable of summoning his own Elemental Lightning Dragon at will.
Mechanical skills- He has an eye for machines and gadgets, being able to repair and maintain various technology that he owns.
Video game proficiency- He likes to playing video games a lot of the time and learning skills.
Dancing- He obtained dancing skills from playing Dancy Pants.
Guitar playing- He is able to play the guitar well.
Weapon: In close-range combat, he favors nunchucks, but has used katanas and various improvised weapons on occasion.
Likes: Candy, pudding, comics, movies (Especially Fritz Donnegan movies), video games, dancing, singing, inventing, mechanical engineering, technology, his family, and his friends.
Dislikes: Hacking, destruction, bullying, lying, cheating, evil, and villains.
Fear(s): Being alone
Crush: Chase
Family: Donnegan/Donnie (Older Twin Brother), Stark (Father), Olivia (Mother), Jay (Uncle), Jesse (Aunt), Scott (Uncle), Unnamed Grandmother, Cliff Gordon (Grandfather), Ed (Grandfather), Edna (Grandmother), Helen (Grandmother/Deceased), Oswald (Grandfather\Deceased), and Others (Unknown)
Favorite Song:

Backstory: TBD (To Be Determined)
Other: He would probably be voiced by Ben Schwartz.

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