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Name: Asami
Nickname: The Queen of Netherium
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human

Name: AsamiNickname: The Queen of Netherium Age: 18Gender: Female Sexuality: BisexualSpecies: HumanAppearance:

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She has tan skin)

Dungeon Outfit-

Dungeon Outfit-

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Queen Outfit-

Queen Outfit-

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Ninja gi- NonePersonality: Kind, caring, compassionate, loyal, brave, passionate, and determined

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Ninja gi- None
Personality: Kind, caring, compassionate, loyal, brave, passionate, and determined.
Element: None
Elemental Powers/ Abilities: She has no elemental powers, however she is very agile and skilled in combat
Weapon: katana and bow and arrows
Likes: Helping others, reading books, music, singing, dancing, her friends, and her family.
Dislikes: People underestimating her because she is a girl and a princess, feeling helpless and useless, suitors, bullies, liars, cheaters, thieves, crime, and villains.
Crush: Harumi
Family: Rizu (Half-Brother), Yoshi (Father (Deceased)), Umbra (Mother (Deceased)), and Other (Unknown)
Favorite Song(s):

Backstory: Umbra was in love with another man named Yoshi, but Ozai killed Yoshi and forced Umbra to marry him so he could be king. When Umbra discovered she was pregnant during her engagement to Ozai, she hid her pregnancy and when she went into labor she disappeared to somewhere her fiance would find her, had the baby, and left her at an orphanage hoping that that Ozai would never find out about her and find her. She then returned to the palave, married Ozai, and had Riku.
During Riku's banishment, Ozai had found out about Ursa and Yoshi's daughter. He then tracked Asami down and locked her in the dungeon. After the final battle against the Overlord and Ozai's Imprisonment in Kryptarium prison, Riku decided to visit Netherium to check on the kingdom and found Asami in the dungeons.
Riku found out that Asami was his half-sister and freed her from the dungeon. She then took the throne as Queen of Netherium while Riku went back to the ninja to help them on their adventures.
Other: She would probably be voiced by Seychelles Gabriel.

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