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Name: Tracey
Age: Same as Arin
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Species: Human

Name: Tracey Age: Same as ArinGender: Male Sexuality: Homosexual Species: HumanAppearance:

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Casual Clothes-

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Casual Clothes-

Casual Clothes-

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Combat Outfit-

Combat Outfit-

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Personality: He is kind,caring, compassionate,timid,insecure, creative, imaginative, adventurous, and determined

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Personality: He is kind,caring, compassionate,timid,insecure, creative, imaginative, adventurous, and determined.
Element: None
Elemental Powers/Abilities: He has no powers, but he was able to create spherical grenade-like capsules called chem-balls which he uses in battle. The palm-sized chem-balls are made of expandable plastic and contain concoctions with certain effects. They can also be filled with different chemical compounds and cause different reactions -
Hardening foam
Cushioning foam
Blinding light
Smoke screen
Acid emission
Weapon: Chemballs
Likes: Candy (especially chocolate), video games, comics, superheroes, adventure, music, singing, dancing, drawing, painting, spray painting, art, reading books, movies, fluffy things, and her friends and family.
Dislike: Spiders, snakes, bullies, liars, cheaters, thieves, crime, and villains.
Fear(s): Rejection
Crush: Arin
Family: Unnamed Parents and Others (Unknown)
Favorite song:

Backstory: Tracet was was separated from his family during the Merge. He then met Arin and Sora and became friends with them. When they met Lloyd, he trained with them in combat and used his skills to create his chemballs to used as weapons in battle.
Others: She would probably be voiced by Zeno Robinson.

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