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Casual Clothes-
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Sorceress Outfit-
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Ninja gi- None Personality: She is as chaotic as she is nerdy with her books. She really doesn't like it when someone destroys books, especially her own. She enjoys potions and the supernatural, with her mostly using the former to either solve or cause problems. Element: None Elemental Powers/Abilities: Magic- She has a mastery in the art of magic, being considered a sorceress in training. Weapon: Staff Likes: Candy (especially skittles), cute animals, adventure, video games (especially minecraft), music, singing, dancing, reading books, movies, magic, spells, potions, magical arifacts, the supernatural, and her friends and family. Dislike: People destroying books, bullies, liars, cheaters, thieves, crime, and villains. Fear(s): Dying Crush: Bonzle Family: Unnamed Parents and Others (Unknown) Favorite song:
Backstory: She is friends with Alina and enjoys helping her friends with her magic, spells, potions, and magical artifacts. After the merge happened, she ended up in the Land of Lost Things where she became friends with, Cole, Geo, Bonzle, Fritz, and Spitz. When Zane and Cole set off on a journey to Mysterium in search of Bonzle's creator, Gandalaria, she goes with them to help try to protect Bonzle. When she meets Gandalaria, she is amazed and the sorceress makes her her apprentice. Others: She would probably be voiced by Corinne Sudberg.