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Name: Danica
Nickname: Dani
Age: Same as Arin
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Human

Name: DanicaNickname: DaniAge: Same as ArinGender: Female Sexuality: StraightSpecies: HumanAppearance:

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Ninja gi- Orange and RedPersonality: She is kind, caring, compassionate, confident, loyal, independent, tomboyish, adventurous,and determined

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Ninja gi- Orange and Red
Personality: She is kind, caring, compassionate, confident, loyal, independent, tomboyish, adventurous,and determined. However,  she struggles with trusting herself and others.
Element: Dragons
Elemental Powers/Abilities:
Draconic Attacks- The ability to release/use dragonic energy/elements for various attacks.
Draconic Breath- The ability to generate from within oneself dragonic energy/elements and release them from the mouth.
Draconic Blast- The power to release dragonic energy/power on a specific target location.
Draconic Beam Emission- The power to project beams of draconic energy.
Weapon: Sword
Likes: Dragons, Ryu, adventure, music, singing, dancing, training, fighting, and her friends
Dislike: Imperium, the Emperess, feeling useless, bullies, liars, cheaters, thieves, crime, and villains.
Fear(s): Being without Ryu
Crush: Arin
Family: Unnamed Adoptive parents, Unnamed Birth Parents (Unknown), Wyldfyre (Twin Sister), and Others (Unknown)
Favorite song:

Backstory: Her and Wyldfyre were twins. It is unknown what happed to their parents, but she and Wyldfyre ended up separated. While Wyldfyre ended up in the Wyldness with her caregiver bot and Heatwave, Danica ended up in Imperium and her caregiver bot was damaged beyond repair. She was found and adopted by a couple who had always wanted a child of their own. They raised her, but she was often bullied by other kids for being different and not being skilled in technology like the others.
One day, she was on a field trip with her class at the royal laboratory when she saw them torture a dragon which was named Sora. She tried to speak up about how treating dragons like this was wrong, but no would listen to her and disagreed with her still believing that what the Emperess was doing was good. Her parents were disappointed in her and locked her in her room as punishment for speaking up against the emperess. Tired of being mistreated by her parents, she ran away when the merge happened and met Arin and Sora. Years after the Merge, Danica makes a connection to a dragon called Riyu, who helps her discover her Elemental Power. She, Sora, and Arin then met the Green Ninja Lloyd and he started training them.
Others: She would probably be voiced by Michaela Dietz.

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