Name: Melody Aria Harmonee Nickname: Mel Age: Same as Cole Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Species: Human Appearance:
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She also has musical notes tattoos on the right side of her upper chest
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and on each arm.
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Casual Clothes-
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(Picture made by Catgamer3122 )
Ninja gi- Maroon with a musical note on the right side of her upper chest.
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(Picture made by Catgamer3122 )
Personality: Kind,sweet,caring, compassionate,supportive, and like the big sister of the group. Element: Music Elemental Powers/Abilities: Music Attacks- The user can release/use musical notes to attack. M
usic Blasts- Release blasts of music in the form of musical notes. (Just like in "Doctor Strange 2"!)
Music Manipulation- The user can manipulate and generate music, an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Its common elements are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. Weapons: Crossbow
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Likes: Sweet foods (especially cake), baking, make up, video games, music, singing, dancing, playing instruments, her best friend Belle, her friends, and her family Dislikes: Clowns, bullying, lying, cheating, evil, and villains Crush: Cole Family: Unnamed Parents and Other (Unknown) Favorite Song:
(In real life, @MoniqueL1998 loves Ozzy Osborne and even named one of her two dogs Ozzy after him.)
Background: TBD (To Be Determimed) Other: She would probably be voiced by Scarlett Johansson.