Season 1 - Episode 1

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Season 1 - Episode 1: The Heartbeat and Soul of Awakening


The rain splattered against the ground heavily, soaking the already bad day. Two girls accompanied by a male stood out in the rain, waiting at a bus stop. The girls were dressed in school uniforms, holding flowers that were soaked to the brim. The male held an umbrella just big enough to cover the three. As soon as a bus pulled up, the trio got on, slightly eager to get out of the rain.

"A little cuckoo chirps 8,008 times, and coughs up blood."

The bus pulled away from the stop with ease, traveling down its predetermined path.

"It's said that, even while the little bird is coughing up blood, it continues to sing."

The bus traveled past the ruins that were currently part of the city. The remains of the buildings in the distance being just a reminder of what happened, which was still lucid in the trio's minds. Water dripped from the trio's soaked appearances, collecting on the floor under them to form a puddle.

"My precious best friend/lover kept singing, too."

The scene drifted from the bus, glimpsing over the demise that was the city's current state. Cracks and debris littered the scene, buildings laying in waist and barely standing. Phone and electric lines were dangling dangerously close to the ground, threatening to break the power lines that held them up if they hadn't already broken. The bus pulled into a slow drive before it stopped at its destination, a cemetery. The trio got out, the male reopening their umbrella before they entered. Despite the mass of gravestones, the trio stopped at the exact one they were looking for.

"He kept singing, letting his soul ring out."

One of the girls fell to her knees, letting the sunflowers she had clatter to the ground, its petals scattering around the tombstone. "I want to see you again! I can't stand not ever being able to be with you again... Toki-Kun..." The girl's hands shook as they tightened, tears rising to the surface as they threatened to drop. The male could only look on in sadness as he rested a hand on her shoulder. The camera panned over from the three to the photo that rested on the grave. The majority of it was ripped, revealing it to have been ripped out of a picture. In the photo was a brown haired male with a wide smile, dirt marks on his face as he held a peace sign above someone's head. Slowly, the sounds of crying mixed into the clatter of raindrops as the camera panned out, the birds entering the view as one gazed into the sky. The screen faded to black, the sounds of crying seeming neverending.

"My precious best friend/lover kept singing on the battlefield."

-Two Years Earlier-

The day was signing, almost everyone in the city was going about their day outside. The towers of the city standing tall and shining upon the reflection of the song. Among the few tall buildings was a helix shaped tower with the title marked boldly on it, Hiden Intelligence. Somewhere not far, a long line was gathered at the entrance to a stadium, holo-light projections displaying the idol duo performing today.

Near the end of the line was a brown haired male, dressed nicely in black dress pants, a navy blue shirt saying 'Stay Calm and Continue Testing', and a neon yellow jacket under a black blazer. He was gazing at his Risephone, his chocolate brown eyes reflecting the luminated screen as he tugged slightly on one of his mix of neon yellow, white, and black shoes. He hummed a silent tune in his head. Slowly, the line progressed as he continued to scroll through his Risephone. For a moment, he glanced up and looked around, seeming like he was looking for someone. He pouted a little with a dissatisfied sigh before perking up at someone's voice. He leaned his head out the side of the line, looking at someone.

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