Max Mayfield - 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩

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❝𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟓❞

【I dump your ass!】

"What the hell! No, Max wouldn't like that.." Lucas explained, setting down the beautiful necklace you wanted to buy her. You shot a glare at Lucas, "she's not the same as when you dated her," You snapped, Lucas rolled his eyes. Mike stepped in, "okay you two, knock it off, she'd love this," Mike told you, Will entered the conversation also, "hey! that is beautiful," Will commented, "thank you" you said, still glaring at Lucas, he rolled his eyes.

You set the necklace on the counter, pulling out the money you had conveniently "borrowed" from your mom, she wouldn't notice, the cashier rang it up, wrapping it up and giving it to you, you smiled, walking out of the mall and yanking your bike out of the racket. 

"You've got to be shitting me," you heard from afar, Max. You snapped your head around to face her. You dropped your bike, looking at the pretty girl, her hair was perfectly red and wavy, it looked like she'd just bought new sunglasses, her outfit was amazing, and finally, her freckles peppered her face perfectly. 

"W-What're you doing here?" you asked, she rolled her eyes, that hurt. "Shopping," Eleven cut in.  You frowned, without me? "Yeah, you got a problem with that, (Y / N)?" She snapped, your heart was sinking, deep in your chest. "N-No of course, I-I bought you something," you explained. Pulling out the box trying to give it to her.

"I don't care," she snapped, you gasped at her words. The boys were looking at each other, "Max.. what is wrong with you?" you asked, "oh, is there something wrong with me, (Y / N)? Or maybe you.." she exclaimed. 

Your heart sank farther, you dropped the box, it opened revealing the beautiful necklace, Max didn't look down. Tears slipped down your face, "M-Max-" She cut you off, "don't. And to add on, I dump your ass!" she said coldly, looking away. You picked up your bike crying as you biked away, the boys picked up theirs, "bitch," Will whispered, following you.

Max scoffed, "wasn't that a little harsh?" Eleven asked. Max shrugged, turning around and waiting for Eleven to get on the bus. Eleven looked down, looking at the necklace and picking it up and running to Max. 

❝𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐩 / 𝟖 : 𝟓𝟒 𝐩 . 𝐦 .❞

"Max... I think you were too harsh with (Y / N).." Eleven stated, pulling out the necklace you got her. Max snapped her head at Eleven, "What do you mean? And what is that?" she asked coldly, Eleven smiled, "she was trying to give you this.. to apologize, but you snapped at her, I think you should've heard her out," Eleven whispered, giving Max the necklace. 

Max loosened, looking at the diamond necklace shaped like a heart, rubies filling the middle to match her birthstone. Max gave it back to Eleven and lifted her hair, looking into the mirror as her best friend put on her neck. Eleven dropped the necklace on Max's chest, Max stared at the necklace on her in the mirror.

She felt guilt bubble in her stomach, "I think you should go to her.." Eleven whispered, Max nodded, getting up and hugging Eleven, "thank you," she said, Eleven nodded, "go get her.." Eleven said, allowing Max to leave, Max ran to your house fast, praying to make up with you.

"(Y / N)? It's me! I'm sorry, please, I was too mean, okay? Please let me in, I wanna talk to you." Max yelled, trying to get you out of the house, you slammed the door open, "what do you want, Max?" you snapped, you looked down at the necklace, smiling inside your head, but still angry as you looked back into Max's eyes. 

"(Y / N), I'm sorry, I really am, I was being foolish, and I didn't mean to hurt you, I love you, a-and I really love the necklace... it's beautiful.." Max explained, you felt tears prick at your eyes, as you nodded, "thank you.. for the apology," you wiped the tears from your eyes. Max hugged you, whispering, 'it's okay, I'm sorry' in your ear. You pulled away cupping her face and kissing her. She smiled, pulling you back into a hug. "I love you too," you whispered.

【Made  - August 21st 2022】

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