Nancy Wheeler - 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩

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❝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟏𝐭𝐡 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟒❞

【"You don't love me?"】

Nancy moved away from your grasp as Billy stared at you, Nancy went for the punch bowl imminently, "what's in this?" she asked, the boy who was drinking it, "PURE FUEL! PURE FUEL! WHOO!" He exclaimed, Nancy cringed slightly, grabbing a red polo cup and filling it up, chugging it down quickly. You walked up to her, seeing that she was chugging down the drink, you grabbed her arm slightly, pulling it down, "woah, woah! hey! take it easy, take it easy! Nance, Nance, Nance!" You exclaimed.

She shot a glare at you, "we're just being stupid teenagers for the night, wasn't that the deal?" she exclaimed, chugging more down. You scoffed as she went to go dance you grabbed a cup, drinking some and cringing at the taste, joining Nancy as she danced with her red cup. You just enjoyed yourself as she danced with you.

Before long, Nancy went to get more to drink, you didn't really care until she started to get really drunk, going for more, you went after her, "no, no, no!" you exclaimed, Nancy fought back, "get off!" she yelled, you pulled her away, she escaped your grasp, "screw you!" she yelled, going back to the punch bowl. "Nance," you said, walking after her, she put her cup in the bowl, scooping some up, "no, you've had enough," you said, trying to get the cup away from her.

"I'm serious, put it down!" you exclaimed, "no! (Y / N)! stop!" she yelled, yanking the cup from your hands, spilling it on herself, she looked up at you as if it was your fault, you watched wide-eyed. "The hell..?" she asked, putting the cup down, "Nance," she walked to the bathroom, you followed her.

She collapsed into the sink, grabbing the towel and getting it wet under the faucet, "I'm sorry, Nance.." you said, she scrubbed the towel against her white shirt, "Nance, that's not coming off," you explained, "it's coming.." she slurred, still scrubbing it drunkly. You sighed, "come on, let me just take you home, come on," you said, grabbing her arm lightly, "let me take you home, come on." She retracted her arm, "you.. wanted this!" she slurred loudly, looking around the counter.

"No, I didn't want this, I told you to stop drinking," you chuckled lightly, she got angry, "bullshit!" she exclaimed, "no, it's not bullshit, okay?" you asked, trying to get her to leave, "bullshit!" she yelled again. "No, it's not bullshit, Nancy," you stated, "no you.. you're bullshit!" she exclaimed, your heart dropped slightly. 

"W-What?" you asked, she scoffed quietly, "you're pretending like everything's okay, like, we didn't.. like we didn't kill Barb!" she yelled, your breath got heavy and nervous, "like it's great, like we're in love and we're partying," she paused, you felt your heart get stabbed right through your body, "yeah, let's party, huh? Party- we're partying!" she yelled, "it's- it's bullshit.." she slurred.

"Like we're in love..?" you whimpered, her expression didn't change, "it's bullshit." she repeated, "you don't--" you paused, shuddering at her words, "you don't love me?" you asked, cupping her face with one hand. "It's bullshit." she repeated, still not changing her expression. You sighed, angry as you left, slamming the door behind you. She didn't come after you, you bumped into Johnathan, ignoring him and kept walking feeling tears prick at your eyes.

【Time Skip - Next Day】

You watched as Steve and Billy basically fought while playing basketball. "(Y / N)?" you heard someone call, you looked over and saw Nancy, she brought you behind the school, "Where were you thing morning? I missed first period." she exclaimed, you scoffed, "I figured Johnathan would take you," you said, clearly annoyed, "What.. What're you talking about?" she asked, you went wide-eyed slightly, "Jesus, you really can't handle your alcohol." You scoffed, Nancy was still confused, "uh?"

"You remember going to Tina's party last night, right?" you asked, she nodded, "yeah," she said, "then what?" you asked her, she thought for a second, "I remember dancing... and spilling some punch, you got mad at me cause I was drunk... and then you took me home." she explained, you scoffed.

"No, see, that's where your mind gets a little fuzzy," you accused, "no, that was your other lover, that was... that was Johnathan.." you said, she went wide-eyed, confused. "I don't.. understand" she asked, "you were just telling it how it is-" you paused, "what?" she asked, "apparently, uh, we killed Barb, I don't care, 'cause I'm bullshit, and our whole... our whole relationship is bullshit," you pulled your hand up, counting as you talked, "and it's all, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit." you yelled. 

"Oh, yeah! Also, you don't love me." you said with a straight face, she looked like she just got hit with a bus, "I was drunk, (Y / N), I don't remember any of that!" She whispered-yelled. You got mad, "so what, everything you said is just.. bullshit too?!" You yelled, she nodded, "then tell me!" you yelled, feeling tears prick at your eyes. "What?!" she yelled back, "that you love me!" you said, her mouth opened, "really?" she asked, Steve busted through the door, "(Y / N)! Where are you? I need my support!" Steve yelled, you scoffed at Nancy, walking back inside.

"I think that you're bullshit."

【Made - September 3rd 2022】

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