Chapter 4

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Sonic banged on the large metal door in front of Eggmans base "hey Egghead i know your in there open up!" Sonic yelled and the door metal doors opened and everyone walked in while shadow was in back and sonic was leading

Sonic walked into a big room with dim light a wide desk and screen with a chair turned forward "ah sonic what a not so pleasant surprise" Eggman said turning around in his chair "what are you doing here i don't have another attack scheduled until next week" Eggman said snapping his fingers making the lights turn on when he was able to see more clearly he instead saw shadow standing in front if him with tails and rouge side by side with who looked like sonic in the back arms crossed "s-shadow your not sonic what are you doing here" Eggman said "you know why I'm here egg breath" sonic said sounding more intimidating since his voice was currently as deep as shadows

"I swear i dont- w-wait a second" Eggman said looking at the group more closely "hey your not shadow what type of game are you all playing, im a very busy man you know" Eggman said turning his chair back around facing his desk and shooing the group away with his hand "we're not leaving until you tell us what you did to sonic!" Tails said "yeah Eggman, it'll be easier for all of us if you just spill it" rouge said sounding slightly frustrated but Eggman just ignored the group once more

Shadow growled and pushed tails and walked up behind Eggmans chair and pinned it around facing his way and grabbing the fat man by his shirt collar bringing him down to eye level "you better answer the question before I deal with you myself" shadow said staring directly at Eggman until he finally said something "i really didn't do anything im still not even fully sure of what you all want" Eggman said he had never seen his rival act so intimidating, shadow looked Eggman in the eyes his glasses slightly slipping down his nose "he's telling the truth" shadow said letting go of Eggmans collar and crossing his arms

"Huh, but that doesn't make sense" sonic said "if Eggman didn't do it then who did" sonic said putting his hand to his chin and thinking about anyone else who could have a grudge against him, but a lot of people appeared in his mind which wasn't much help.

"Hey Eggman do you think you could help us out" rouge said "no, why would i help you out, go find some other evil genius to do your bidding-" shadow glared his eyes like daggers Eggman could feel them piercing right through him "y-you know what, i-i have a little time on my hands" Eggman said sweat dropping "perfect" rouge said "so sonic and shadow here have swapped bodies and we don't know why" rouge said explaining the situation in the simplest form "hmm this is quite the situation you've gotten yourselves in maybe if i do an analysis i can try and figure this out" Eggman said now interested

"Tails do you mind helping me out" Eggman said getting up from his chair and started walking "i don't mind as long as sonic gets back to normal" tails said following beside him already discussing on what tests they should do while the three followed behind "are you sure we should be trusting him" shadow said only quiet enough for sonic to hear " stop being so paranoid if he does anything suspicious I'll make sure to take care of it, trust me every thing will be perfectly fine" sonic said while shadow just sighed at the hedgehogs carefree attitude, they all walked into a room with a metal table in the middle and shelves on all sides with multiple things that could be used

"Can you two sit on the table" Eggman said gesturing towards it and grabbing some stuff off the shelves the two did as they were told and waited until Eggman came back over with tails on shadows side "so sonic has anything weird happened lately?" Eggman said holding a clipboard and a pen "no not really"sonic replied "what about you shadow" tails said shadow just shook his head "describe everything that you remember from yesterday" Eggman said acting like an actual doctor "well i woke up, ate breakfast, went on a run, and raced shadow thats when you attacked but thats it" sonic said shrugging his shoulders "shadow do you seemed to remember what happened in the crash what happened?" Tails asked shadow was silent for a moment thinking back "when we crashed faker was already passed out but i was still conscious, the last thing I remember was smelling something that made me pass out" shadow said "what did you smell?" Tails said "im not sure it was kind of bland I guess" shadow said

"Hmm that might be able to help us" tails said rouge was just staring at something the whole time but decided to bring it up "hey shadow what did you step in" rouge said pointing towards the shoe that he was wearing getting the attention of everyone else shadow lifted his foot to look at it and was covered in the same yellow stuff that he saw on the picture "i didnt step in anything" shadow said then looking at sonic he was sitting there not fully sure what it was either "oh yeah!" Sonic said finally remembering "when i went on a run yesterday i ran into a field of these yellow flowers, when i stepped on one the bud opened up and sprayed me with that yellow stuff the worst part was i dropped something in there i was able to find it but i was all dirty afterward" sonic said "i tried dusting myself off but some still sticked on my fur" sonic continued

"What did the flower look like?" Eggman asked "it kind of looked like a yellow lotus flower but when it opened its petals the inside was white" sonic said "hmm interesting, maybe if i get a sample i can see if this is what caused it. Can i borrow it" Eggman said so shadow ended up taking off one of the shoes and handing it over to Him "I'll need to take a few tests so i hope you don't mind me taking this for a while" Eggman said making shadow sigh he already knew that he was now gonna be barefoot for a while "why don't you all head home I'll stay here and help Eggman" tails said.

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