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What were you thinking. Of course his tall delicate figure did not distract you one bit! Although.... you have realized you have been taking some glances at him. Of course you have he's attractive it's not like you are deliberately looking he just seems to catch your eye. Of course any teen girl would continuously take the few chances she has to purposely look at a pretty decent looking guy... Of course. He did not distract you. Not one bit. What was Baji even thinking. How could he be so insensitive to act like you get distracted with any guy! How could he!


Baji looked at you. 

His face seemed...

Not pleased ?

Why was he looking at you with this look. You have never seen this look on him. What was it ? 

He had a sour face. He had no expression placed on his face. He looked expressionless ? He looked at you with this blank stare. His aura seemed to have darkened. What was going on ?

He took the toothpick he was chewing on this whole time and took it out of his mouth and threw it in a bin beside you. 

"Let's go mikey" 

He was leaving ?? He didn't even get his food. 

"What why" Mikey said in a whinny voice.

"I'm bored I've had my fun lets go."

Fun ??? What did he see that was fun ? What encouraged him to get bored all of a sudden ?


You heard the bell ring. The noise came from this old Christmas bell that was still hung up on top of the door with some vines and a red bow on it. The sound was able to be heard by Baji opening the door. 

He was about to exit when

"Heyy where you guys going i just got all your food ready" 

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