Chapter 5

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Sam carried me inside and laid me on his lap and let me cry my eyes out while the rest of my brothers told Ethan and Sam what happened.

"Aw Lila....I'm so sorry honey." Sam told me rubbing my back.

"Is there anything we can do bud?" Ethan asked

I shook my head no. "It's just-I can't-that's the last thing I had of him! and now it's lost forever." I whispered the last part.

"Lila, come here. I need to show you something." Caleb said.

I took my head out of Sam's chest and noticed all my brothers eyeing each other worriedly.

"Are you sure Caleb?" Luke asked
"Don't you think we should wait until she's older?" Cole asked

"Guys." Ethan said and nodded.

Caleb came over and took my hand leading me to our mothers room.

"Here." Ethan handed me an envelope and I stared down at it. "It's from dad. He wrote us all one before he died. We wanted to wait until you where older to give it to you but we think now is the right time."

"Thank you." I told them. "I'm just gonna go ahead and go to bed ok?"

"Ok bud. If you get hungry come downstairs and I'll fix you something ok?" Sam asked.

"Ok. I love you." I told them.

"We love you too Lila." They said and each of them came over and kisses my head before leaving me to go to my room.

When I walked in my room I closed my door and sat on my bed opening the letter.

~Dear Lilac,
I'm sorry to leave you so soon and I wish I didn't have to. I'll never get to see you get your first boyfriend, or go to your first prom, or even get to walk you down the isle. I'm so sorry that I was never there for your birthday and I regret that so much. I'm going to miss my baby girl grow up and move off to college. I want you to know that even though I may not be with you, I will ALWAYS be with you no matter what.
Love dad~

After I reread it a few times I decided to just go to sleep.

My 6 over protective brothersWhere stories live. Discover now