Chapter 12

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"Hey Lilac what's up?" I heard someone say when u came out of 4th period biology.

I turn around and see Mandy walking towards me and I mentally and physically sigh.
"What do you want?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"Oh i think you know."

"Yeah... I think I don't.

"Well I don't appreciate you sleeping with Brad then ignoring him and getting an abortion. I mean, that's just low and abortions are inhuman. Why would someone do that? Oh wait. You would because your just a weak slut who can't face real problems." She smiled slyly at me.

"Well you know what I think?"

"Oh please. In lighten me." Gesturing with her hand.

"I think that your the inhuman one in this conversation and I wasn't fucking pregnant so shut your damn mouth before I have to shut it up for you. And why do you care if I slept with Brad? Your just a sly ass bitch who can't keep shit to her own self."

"Is that it?" Mandy asked

"That's not even all of it but for your sake, I'll stop here and walk away before we both get in trouble."

"Oh look at that. The slut can't even defend herself and is to weak to go on."

"Ohh. You have no idea who your dealing with bitch"

"Oh i think I do."

"Try me. Just try me." I snarled, taking on her challenge.

Mandy ran at me ready to punch but when we fist came close to me face I grabbed it and yanked her backwards into her back. I then jumped on top of her and began punch her face. Somehow, she was able to kick my side and get me off of her and onto me where she repeatedly hit me. I kneed her in the stomach and jump up, her right after. Before I could do anything though, she grabbed my hair and shoved my head against the locker making the sound echo through the empty hallway. I slid down on the floor dizzy for a second before I hopped back up and kicked Mandy in the ribs. Just as she hit my full force in the side, we both stood still. Not sure what to do with what we heard next.

"LILAC MARIE SWENSON! MANDY SARINA WHITE! What just do you think your doing?"

We stood frozen as our principal walked towards us.

"Well? In waiting" she said

"It was all her fault! She just started attacking me for no reason and what could I do? I tried her best to get her off of me but she couldn't so I had to result to violence. I'm mad at myself for resulting to that because I violence is never the answer and I would never dream of hurting another student." Mandy cried letting her blond hair fall and blue eyes fill with tears.

"Girls, I think you need to come with me."

Well! Here's my next chapter. I'm so sorry and I know your tired of hearing my apologies and excuses and I know that but this Friday is señor night😭 and our past football game of the season then we only have 2 competitions left before it's over for the year😭 I'm happy to say I love my guard family and even though it's not the end of the year, I'm sad to see the señors go and I'm sad that I couldn't get as close to some as others but just three more weeks until I'm free and I can update freely! On another happy note! In happy to say we won our competition. Down at Austin Peay in Tennessee on the 9th-11th!!!!! So happy. Once I'm able to update more I will!

-much love

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