Chapter 17

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I ran out of the room, trying to keep the tears from falling from my face. I heard my brothers go into our mothers room and I could care less. As soon as I got outside, I collapsed onto a bench and just stared. I refused cry, refused to let myself think she had gotten the better of me, refuse to let her think I had broke. I touched the right side of my face gingerly, not wanting to see what it looked liked. I mean, even though my mother was in the hospital, that woman still had some pretty brutal strength.

"Hey Lilac? We um...we-" Caleb started but got cut if by Luke.

"Holy shit! What happened to your face!?"

No one corrected him though, which I thought was strange.

"Lila? Did mom do that to you?" Cole asked quietly.

"Yeah. So what? She just slapped me. No big deal."

"It kinda is Lila." Ethan said with a serious face. "Which is kind of what we're hear to talk about." His face suddenly got sad and that's when I finally looked at all my brothers.

Their faces where all red and splotchy and their eyes where bloodshot. It looked like they all had been crying. But why would they.....-

"Lila? Did you hear what Caleb just said?" Sam asked, pulling me from my thoughts.


"Lilac. Moms dead." Caleb said again.

I stared blankly at the ground. Not crying, not blinking. Nothing.

"Hey Lilac? You ok Bud?" Kyle asked. Touching my arm. "Lilac?"

"Do you want to go see mom one last time?" Caleb asked.

I almost flinched hearing him say that. One last time
One last time
One last time
Those words echoed over and over in my head until I felt a pair of hands grab me and pull me up, guiding me back inside the building. I only blinked when we entered our moms room. She was deathly grey. Her body lay still. Her eyes closed. Her sheets covers up to her chin. I felt one tear fall from my eyes before I quickly wiped it away. Not allowing anymore to fall.

"I'm sorry but you have to leave. We have to get rid of the body." A nurse came in and said.

I walked over an placed a kiss on my mothers forehead before walking out. I vaguely remember Cole not wanting to leave and he started screaming, cause Caleb to pick him up and drag him to the car.
I don't remember the ride home, any conversation that happened passed right through me and I only tuned back in when I realized we were home.

"Hey Lila? You want any dinner" I heard one of my brothers say. I couldn't tell which one but I kept walking until I reached my room where I quickly latex on my bed and fell asleep.

My 6 over protective brothersWhere stories live. Discover now