Chapter 8

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I woke up with a smile on my face but it quickly changed when I remembered what happened last night. I walked slowly out of bed and crept downstairs. As I hit to the edge of the stairs I could hear my brothers talking.

"Someone go wake her up. We need to talk." Caleb said

"Oh come on Caleb. Let her sleep."one of the twins, I think it was Luke, said.

"No! What she did was not right and she didn't even bother to call! So no-"

"Alright alright!" I yelled as I stepped into the kitchen. "No need to get your panties in a twist. I'm up."

"How's your ankle?" Cole asked.

"It's fine. Doesn't hurt any more." I smiled

"Lila. Go sit in the living room. We'll be there in a second."

I sighed and sat down on the couch. As the boys came in, Caleb and Ethan stand in front of the couch while Luke and Kyle sit beside me, and Cole and Ethan beside them.

"Lilac," Caleb started. "Was not very responsible. You just fell asleep in the park without a car in the world! Not even caring to call!"

"Caleb! I'm officially 15 as of today and yes, I was 14 yesterday But I'm not 5! All I did was fall asleep at the park and we ALL know you did worse when you where 14."

"Don't you dare-"

"Caleb!" Sam cut him off. "She had a point. About both parts. You DID do worse things at 14 but also, all she did was fall asleep. I mean come on. That's not bad. Yes, it was unresponsible." Sam said looking at me."but it's nothing worse then what you've done so I say move past it and let her enjoy her party."

Caleb looked at me for a minute. "Fine."

"Yay! Thank you! thank you! thank you!" I said, hugging all my brothers.

I ran upstairs and started getting ready for the party.

"I can't believe they let you still have a party."my best friend Sarah said as we finished up getting ready. "I mean, yeah you didn't do anything but my brother would have ground me for a week."

I murmured a yeah and finished my makeup.

"Come on. Let's go down."

-----1 HOUR LATER-----
Sarah and I had really just been standing I corner talking for and hour.

"Come on Lila this party blows. I'm sorry but it does." Sarah said looking at me.

And the truth was that she was right. By brothers basically invited a bunch of people who I didn't know and there was no music and it was just plain boring.

"Let's go down to Bucks. I heard he's throwing a party."

"I don't know Sarah. I mean-"

"Come on. You have to admit you want to go."

I sighed. "Ok fine. Let's go." I tugged her arm and went outside.

Sarah was right. Buck was having a party and when we entered, the smell of alcohol hit you in the face like a ton of bricks.

"Sarah? Are you sure we should be here?"

"Oh yeah. It's fine." Sarah waved me off and went to go find a drink.

I looked around me and most people where rip roarin drunk.


I turned around. "Eli?What are you doing here?"Eli was a good guy friend from school but lately we haven't talked that much.

"I could ask you the same."

"Well I'm here cause my party blowed and Sarah dragged me here. Why are you here?"

"I'm here cause I got nothin better to do."

I laughed.

"Hey, I need to go find a bathroom but I'll see you later?" Eli said.

I nodded my head and walked off.

"Hey. Lilac right?" A guy behind me asked.

"Lila, but yeah. Hey, your Brad right?"

"Yeah. Your in my math class." He said.

Brad was football jock and he was pretty hot. Of course, he'd never date me but a girl can dream right?


"So what are you doing here?"

"Just needed to get away."

"Well here." Brad handed me a cup. "Drink this. It will make me feel better."

I looked at the red plastic cup for a second. Unsure if I should drink the liquid inside or not.

"Aw come on now. Not scared are we?"

I smirked at him and took a big gulp. The liquid tasted vile and it burned my throat. Alcohol. It was alcohol. I looked at my drink and thought about all the crap that has been going on in my life lately and took another swig. Much to Brads liking.

"You like it huh?" He asked and I nodded, taking another sip.

I mainly hung out with Brad for the rest of the night and after a while I don't even remember what I was doing.

This chapter, the next chapter, and ideas for following chapters are dedicated to @oddgirl97
I'm sorry it took me so long to update but I got writers block for this story but now that I got some ideas😄😉 I'm gonna be back to updating sooner for a while

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