Chapter 9

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I wake up yawn. As I turn over I see another body beside me and realize I'm not in my own room.

Shit. What the fuck happened last night? Oww. why does my head hurt? Oh my god it Brad! I SLEPT WITH BRAD! I need to tell Sarah. Wait.....where's my dress? Oh shit. I'm in so much trouble.I look around the room and find my dress across the room. At least I still had my bra and tights on. I sigh at that and quickly put my dress on searching for my phone to call Sarah.

PHONE CALL(Lila/Sarah)

Hey Lila. what happened to you last night?

Well um...I might have...can I come over? I don't want to say this over the phone and I may need your help.

Yeah of course. Just one question.


Where are you? Cause it doesn't sound like your house. It's to quiet.

Well...I'm actually still at Buck's.... 

WHAT? YOUR AT BUCK'S STILL? LILA WHAT DID YOU DO? I remember you got really drunk but I thought Brad brought you home....oh shit Lila. you didn't...? Did you?

Ill talk to you at your house. see you there


I looked back at Brad one more time before I left the room. as I went downstairs, Buck stepped into my vision. Buck was 20 but he was a really good friend of the family and was like another brother to me.

"Hey Lila. Where you here all night?"

"Hey Buck. And yeah..." I looked down

"You got pretty drunk last night huh?" Buck said looking at me

I chuckled nervously "ha yeah....Please don't tell my brothers Buck. Please."

Buck looked at me skeptically for a minute. "Fine. But only because you might end up having to tell them yourself."

I stood frozen. "You know? About me and Brad?"

"Sure do. I mean you where in the room right next to mine."

"Oh god..."

"Don't worry. I don't think you DID anything, just had a huge make out session. But if I where you, I'd check. Just to make sure."

"Oh god." I sighed. "Thanks Buck." I hugged him and left his house, making my way to Sarah's.

Knock Knock

Sarah opened the door and tugged me in, dragging me to her room.

"Ok, spill."

"So last night, I guess I got really drunk. Do you have any aspirin by the way?" She nodded and brought me back two. "So Brad, the football jock, was the one who offered me my first drink. The first sip I took was nasty, but then I thought about all the crap going on in my life lately so I took another sip. Then another. And another. Then it turned into another cup. After my second cup, I don't remember what happened at all. The next thing I knew, I was awake, sleeping beside Brad with my dress off. I still had on my bra and legging, but I don't know if we had sex or not and I'm freaking out. I mean, what if we had sex and I'm pregnant! What would I do? What would my brothers do!"

"Ok. It's alright. First off, you need to take a pregnancy test. Then we will figure out what to do ok?" I nodded my head. "Come on. My mom has some pregnancy tests in her bathroom. She wont know if ones missing."

Sarah led me to her moms room and gave me the stick. I came out a few seconds later and we went back to her room to wait for a minute. That minute seemed to be the longest minute in history and when it passed, I looked down at the test and gasped. Tears formed in my eyes.

"Well?" Sarah asked nervously.



Ahahaha ima a bad person XP. Oh well. Oh my gosh. Just writing this chapter stressed me outXD

Anyway, I'm gonna update either tonight, or tomorrow mourning so I can keep you guys guessing :P

Also, I noticed this in the last chapter, but have any of you read the outsiders? If you have, then this story might be kind of similar. I just realized that I'm making Caleb kind of like Darry XP XD And I intentionally made Buck Buck from The outsiders but I didn't plan on having him the party personXD and oh gosh. I hope that at least some of you have read the outsiders so you get what im talking about and stuff.

I'm also basing Brad, off of the Brad in The Perks of Being a Wallflower because if any of you have read/seen the movie, you will know that Brad and Patrick have a thing going, but then Brad turns around and basically stabs Patrick in the back.(I think I just hinted about whats gonna happen in following chapters ;) :o)     



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