Kanroji Mitsuri x Female Demon Reader

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Summary: part 2 to the Kocho Shinobu oneshot.

Shit! (seems to be a reocurring word in this oneshot). You slowly turned around and saw another freaking Hashira standing in front of you. Apparently, the gods had decided that you were not good enough for a break.

Just to recap, you ran away from the Insect Hashira after she'd stalked you for months before finally kidnapping you and using you as an experiment. You of course had escaped, only to bump into another fricking Hashira....you have shit luck.

Her you are now, staring at the pink and green haired woman in from of you, no wait, no she's behind you, and shit, that was one long sword and and-

"Goddammit woman, stop trying to hit me. HOLY SHIT!" You yelled, seeing the Hashira you had ran away from directly running over to you and the new girl.

Your eyes scanned your surrounding frantically looking for something that would get you out of this situation. Anything would do at this point, you did not care. It seemed this time, your prayers were actually answered.

Seeing her comrade approach, the pink and green haired Hashira ceased her attacks, and gave you a moment to breathe. A very nice moment, which you used to the best of your abilities. While breathing, you discretely looked around to see if there was a way for you to escape while the other two talked with each other.

"Kocho? What are you doing here?" the taller of the two asked, looking incredibly confused. Not that you could blame her. A demon ran from the direction of her estate, and now she-a hashira- is trying to follow her? Kind of sus.

"Kanroji! How.. nice to see you again. I'm so glad you found my pet. After she ran off from me, I was quite annoyed. I was just heading out to find her again,but it seems you've spared me the trouble. Thanks a lot." She smiled at Kanroji, though you could've sworn there was anger in her eyes.

"Pet? What do you mean Kocho?" The poor girl was so confused, and your heart felt bad for this girl.

"I'm using this demon's blood to try to find a cure for demons and turn them back into humans." Well that was definately shorter than you'd heard her speak. How odd. Kanroji looked back and forth between you and Kocho, clearly trying to figure something out. She broke the silence by saying

"Isn't that a bit... cruel? To keep her alive, and use her for continuous tests, which will most likely never come to an end? If you want to find a cure for demons, why not collect her blood and put her out of her misery?" She pouted, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. Seeing them, Kocho rolled her eyes.

"Did you forget this is a man eating monster we were talking about Kanroji? They don't deserve your pity. Save that for a human who just lost their family, or a slayer who died in battle. Not for the ones causing such dispair." She glared at the end of her speech, clearly feeling she shouldn't have to explain this. Kanroji, however, merely straightened, before retorting

"Even if she's a demon, she doesn't deserve to be tortured. Now, I'm going to do her a favor, and put her out of her misery." With that, she dashed towards the still-recovering you, and attempted to slice your head off. Kocho threw her sword at Kanroji in time to stop her, thankfully not hurting her, merely hitting her wrist hard enough for her to drop her katana.

"Don't you touch her!" she hissed, anger flashing in her purple eyes. Surprised by the sudden mood change, Kanroji barely had the chance to react as Kocho lunged towards her, and began trying to kill her. You would've taken the chance to run, but you felt an obligation to help out the only demon slayer who'd actually bothered to try and help you out. Your body moved, and you grabbed her, pulling her away from the psychotic butterfly chick, and running like hell.

Kanroji looked up at you, confusion flashing across her face before she wrapped her arms around your neck. Thank the gods for that. It made it ten times easier to carry her.

You looked up at the sky, noticing how close the sun was to rising, and hoped that you'd have enough time to get this woman to safety and also make your escape without dying. Surprisingly, that still wasn't on your to-do list.

Sounds of tree branches breaking follow you two, and you sped your pace. Just ahead, you could hear voices. Male from the sounds of it, but it filled you with hope. You could finally help this lady, and stop Kocho.

As you ran closer, the people ahead noticed your presence and started shouting. Even from your spot, you could hear their footsteps as they ran towards you and Kanroji. And finally, they came close enough for you the see them, and the color of their eyes.

Their swords were already out, though the stopped running when they saw Kanroji in your arms. They were obviously misunderstanding the situation. You didn't have the breath to explain the truth, so you just jumped over the group of slayers and stopped.

They turned to face you at the same time you placed Kanroji on the ground. She bowed and thanked you, and you just kind of stood there, still trying to BrEaTh.

While you did that, Kanroji explained the situation, and you mentally thanked her for that. After all, you were dying from air loss. The shocked sounds of Kanroji's comrades were all that you heard, until you heard Kocho's footsteps nearing.

You went to warn them, only to be interupted by one of the slayers, who told them before you could. The group prepared themselves to face an angry woman, swords up once again.

She stopped harshly, not expecting the entourage. She went to turn to run away, but the others surrounded her, and subdued her.

Time Skip and PoV Change

"Let me out dammit!" Kocho hissed at me. Unfortunately, I'd been given the task of watching over her until the Master had reached a decision about what to do with her attacking Kanroji. My torture was made worse because of how sensitive my ears were compared to others. Luckily, I only had another fifteen minutes left on my shift, before Iguro would take over for me.

I snorted. That'd certainly be funny. Iguro being alone with the person who threatened his love. The bloodshed that would ensue... it almost made me feel bad for Kocho. Even if it was her own fault, for coveting a demon.

Speaking of the demon, she was allowed to live, at least until Oyakata-sama got here. Kanroji offered her estate to the demon, claiming she felt safer with its presence. I supposed that made sense: it did carry Kanroji to safety.

"If you bastards touch one hair on her head, I'll kill you myself! Do you hear me?! Do you??!!" She was still going.

" Have you always been this unflashy? It's kind of annoying listening to you bitch." I rolled my eyes, and tuned her out. I couldn't wait until my shift was over.

Ending one. Happy with Kanroji
You are allowed to live, and you and Kanroji start dating.

Ending two. Kocho
Kocho escapes, and kills Uzui and Kanroji. She takes you, and drugs you, and makes it so you can never leave.

Ending three. Both
Kocho escapes, and kill Uzui, but her and Kanroji agree to share you.

Ending four. Dead
Master says you have to die, at which point Kocho is executed and Kanroji commits suicide to see you again.

1306 words
Hello again, I've finished another oneshot (finally).  Please feel free to request any character you'd like, but do remember I am working on a few other requests as well, so I may not have yours out right away.  Check out my other books if your feeling generous as well, and enjoy.

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