Kanroji Mitsuri x Female Child Reader (Platonic)

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Requested by: melsness9

*Lamia Au

Summary: your parents and Mitsuri were neighbors long before you were born, so you grew up with the pretty pink haired woman.  Your parents often asked her to watch over you while they went out, as you seemed to enjoy being over at her house.  Your parents probably would have been just a little less willing to send you over to Mitsuri if they knew what she truly was: one of the Lamia, who eat children and seduce men.  However, Mitsuri couldn't eat you.  Instead, she grew to love you like you were her own.  That would have been fine.  Until she learned of your parents moving, and taking you with them.

"Kanroji-san! Thank you so much for watching over Y/N last night!  It really gave me and F/N (fathers name) a chance to enjoy our date night." M/N (mothers name), cheerfully grinned at her best friend with the odd looking hair.

Said friend gave her an equally cheerful smile back, and assured the L/N's it was no problem at all.  The pair of women chatted about their nights and how Y/N had behaved, content to enjoy each other's company.

"It's such a shame," M/N sighed, "that we'll no longer be able to rely on you when we move."

Kanroji Mitsuri could have sworn her heart stopped.  Move?  M/N and F/N were moving?  And taking little Y/N with them?  

Mitsuri registered that M/N was still talking.  Registered that her body was responding, with none of the soul crushing loneliness and depression in her voice.  None of the anger she felt at her child being taken from her.

For Y/N had to be her child.  There was no other way for Mitsuri to explain the connection she felt.  How her body refused to obey when she'd first attempted to eat the child.  Y/N might not be her biological daughter, but Y/N was hers.

And no way in hell was some worthless human going to take her away.

In the dead of night, Mitsuri crept into Y/N's room, and took her.  Holding the child carefully, so as to not wake her up, Mitsuri brought her to a private cottage she owned that was far from any civilization.

The cottage had been built for when Mitsuri inevitably kidnapped- rescued, yeah, that was a better word- Y/N from her home.  It held all the toys and books she liked, and every food that brought her joy.  

Best of all, no one knew it existed.  She'd never told the L/N's about her cottage, because she knew at some point Y/N would have to live with her, and it would have brought suspicion upon her.

Wrapping Y/n up in her tail, Mitsuri gushed internally about how cute and adorable the child looked.  

And now, the child was hers.

456 words

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