Agatsuma Zenitsu x Female Reader

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Summary: You were a human who worked at one of the Wisteria Houses.  When a group of demon slayers comes through, you don't know it, but that day will change your life forever, and not in a good way.

"Coming through! Coming through!" a kind voice shouted from your greeting room.  You snapped your head up, and made your way over to the [from the sounds of it] group of people in your house.  Entering the room, you saw that there were three people in total- all of them boys.

You quickly averted your eyes when you noticed one of them didn't have a shirt on.  It was improper for you to have done anything else.  You muttered something about following you, and began leading them towards the bedrooms.  When you and the group reached them, you let them go inside  and left to go make food.

"Hey miss?"  You looked over your shoulder to see the maroon haired slayer behind you. 

"Yes?"  Honesty, you just wanted to go to bed.

"Me and my friends wanted to thank you.  For everything today."

Really.  If they wanted to thank you, you thought they should've gone themselves and said it, not sent someone else to do it for them.  They probably hadn't even thought about it, since this was you jib and all.

"You don't have to lie, or thank me.  I'm happy to serve this generation of demon slayers, when I can't even hold a knife without cutting myself."  You smiled at him, before saying  "Now, I need to go to bed, good night."

You heard him mutter a quiet good night as you left.

You slept peacefully in your bed, unaware of your company.

The blond haired male smiled and cooed about how cute you looked in your sleep, having to stop himself from touching your hair.  It might wake you up, and then you wouldn't feel as good tomorrow.

He wasn't being creepy, just watching over you!  That was it... nothing else.  He was making sure bastards like Tanjiro couldn't mess with you, and break your heart.  It would destroy Zenitsu to do that.  So now...

He had to take action, and make sure no one could hurt you.

Starting with the Kamados.

"Zenitsu, please help!   We're fighting against an Uppermoon, and Nezuko isn't here to help.  I get you're afraid, but if you don't do this, we'll all die." Tanjiro said worryingly, and Zenitsu smiled.

"Die in a hole, Tanjiro." he said sweetly, and the male Upper 6 demon stabbed through his ex-comrades forhead in anger.

"You!" he rasped out. "You did nothing to help out your friend, even though you knew he would die.  That kind of cruelty... is exactly what we look for in demons.  Join us."

Zenitsu thought about it, and said "Why the fuck not."

Knock knock.  You looked up a the clock, and noticed it was after 6 pm.  You jumped up, and ran to the door to see what kind of help the slayer needed, and if you could actually help them out.

"Eh?  You're one of the people who was here a couple of weeks ago.  Is everything alright?" you asked.  He didn't look up, didn't show you his face, didn't even speak.  He just stood there quietly.

"Sir?"  Now you were worried.  What was wrong with him?  Was he okay.

He finally looked up, and you screamed.  The blond boy who'd been here last week, was now a demon.  Thankfully, there weren't any injured slayers who could be hurt by him, but there weren't any slayers weapons or anything you could use to defend yourself with either, so you were screwed.

You slammed the door shut, and began running, looking for a place to hide.  You had to get away, at least long enough for someone to come and find this place, and realize something was wrong.

You ran into the kitchen, grabbed a knife- though you knew it wouldn't do you much good- and hid in the cupboard, behind a bunch of extra supplies.  This was good.  Not only were you hidden from anyone who even opened the door, you had a weapon, and the spot you were in was so tight, you could barely move, which meant it would be difficult for them to pull you out, and they'd probably lose interest and leave to find better prey.

You hoped it'd be good enough, especially with the sword he had.  Oh, shit.  You forgot about the sword.  Forget pulling you out, all he had to do was stab in, and you'd be dead.  Shit, shit, shit.

These words became an inner chant as you heard his footsteps enter the supply room.  Oh fuck, he was definately going to find you.  Shit shit shit!

You heard him open the cupboard door, and you held your breath as he searched it.  He huffed, and closed it with a snick.  You heard his footsteps leave, but you didn't get out.  He was probably waiting for you to be a dumbass and leave your hiding spot.  No, you most certainly would not do that.

So you waited, and eventually drifted off into sleep in your uncomfortable position.  

"Hello, is anyone in here?" you heard a female voice call out from your house.  You jolted awake, and nearly cried at the happiness you felt from hearing another person.  Female meant it couldn't have been the demon from earlier, but you waited inside in case he was still here.

"My name is Tsumi Mai, I'm a demon slayer.  I came here to get my injured friend some help, but I saw that there was a demon here, and I slayed it.  Now I need to know if there's any survivors here."

That was all you needed to hear.  You squeezed yourself out of the boxes, and left the cupboard.  You gulped down some air, before shouting "Yes, I'm down here."  

You heard the woman run, and you looked up as she came in.  She was quite pretty, with pink eyes, brown hair with orange tips, and a lovely pink kimino with spiderweb designs.

"Hi, I'm L/N Y/N, the daughter of the owner of this place.  Thank you for slaying the demon who was here.  He's the reason I hid down here.  You're sure you slayed it, right?" you checked, pretty worried for your safety.

The woman flushed, before saying.  "Yeah. I killed him."

You breathed a sigh of relief, before striding back upstairs.  "Thank goodness, now you said you had an injured friend, so lets go help him."  And so, you left to go see the injury, Mai following close behind.  

You stilled when you saw no one was there.  You whipped your head around to see Mai with an apologetic look on her face.

You stopped breathing entirely when you heard a low laugh from behind you, then a voice. 

"Well done, Nezuko."

Turning, you indeed saw the demon from earlier very much alive.  So Mai- no, her name was Nezuko he said- had lied, and probably led you here to hand you over to him.  What an asshole.

"I did as you asked, now please, let me join my brother in peace!" she begged, to which the demon smiled.

"As you wish." he stated, and in a blink and a flash of lightning, he was across the room, Nezuko's head on the floor and body disenagrating.

You froze, fear completely taking over your body as he walked towards you.  His hand came up to rest on your cheek, and he let it glide down to your chin, then to your neck.  He clenched his fingers around your neck, and began to choke you.

"You thought you could hide from ME!  Your goddamn soulmate?  You bitch!  I should fucking kill you!" he hissed out, while tears filled your eyes as you struggled to breathe.  His gaze softened from the anger in it, and he leaned in and whispered in your ear as blackness creeped in from the corners of your vison.

"Don't worry, Y/N.  I wont kill you, yet.  But when you wake up....

You're going to wish you were dead, as I pleasure you over, and over, and over again, until we've both been satisfied.  Better rest up.."

1338 words

I might make a part two, maybe, maybe not.  Enjoy the chapter.

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