Kokoshibou x Reader (Lemon)

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Summary: You were a human, who lived close to the woods.  One day, a powerful demon shows up and takes residence in your home to avoid the rising sun.  You two start getting closer, and closer....

A little bit of lemon, but I cut it off 'cause I can't write them very well.

You blinked at the six-eyed man laying on your bed. 

What the fuck?  You reach a hand towards his shoulder to attempt to wake him up, but before your hand makes contact, his arm comes up and his hard latches to your wrist and squeezes tightly. 

You try to tug your hand back, but instead of letting go the person in your bed opens their eyes and studies you for a moment, trying to determine if you are a threat or not.

Finally, he let's go, though he doesn't make any move to get up.  Taking the opportunity, you decide to ask a few questions. 

"Who are you, what are you, and why are you in my home?"  Those seemed like the ones that should be asked first and foremost.

"I am.... Kokoshibou.  I am.... a demon, and I took residence in your.... home... to avoid the sun.  I cannot leave until it goes down."

You blinked.  A demon?!  Well, if he was leaving as soon as the sun went down, that meant he wad leaving in two hours or so.  Which was fine.  You'd let him stay here for now, and then he'd leave, and you'd never see him again, right?

Okay.  You just had to wait, and you'd never see him again.

Yeah, that wasn't how it worked out.

He came back the next day, saying he had to stay for the day, and fearing for your life, you let him.

He kept coming back every day after, and eventually, you got used to it.  In fact, you even grew to enjoy his daily visits, as it provided you with a companion for the entire day.  You hung a set of curtains in that room, so Kokoshibou wouldn't have to spend the entire time hiding underneath the bedcovers.

You got him to open up about himself, and learned he was an Uppermoon, one of the strongest demons.  In exchange, you told him about your boring life. 

You two formed an odd friendship, the quiet demon and the friendly human. 

Everything was perfect.  Until you started developing feelings for him. 

You knew it was impossible.  Despite your friendship, you were just a human, and only a friend to Kokoshibou.  He would never see you as a lover, especially since you would die, and he'd continue living on.  It'd make no sense for him to get involved with you.

So you kept your feelings hidden.  Despite that, Kokoshibou knew something was wrong.  So he disguised himself as an old lady, and went out to talk to you one night.

Unable to tell it was him, you spilled your guts out about loving the stranger who'd showed up in your house one day, leaving the part out about him being a demon of course.

Kokoshibou wasn't stupid, and knew you were talking about him.  He was stunned.  You... you loved him too?

This had to be a dream, right?  A very lovely dream, one that he had no intention of waking up from.  He muttered something about how it'd all work out, and left.  He switched back, and ran to your house.

No way was he going to just sit there.  Not when he knew about your feelings.  No, he was going to act on both of your desires.

When you got back home, it was almost sunrise, so it was no surprise for you to see Kokoshibou waiting inside your home.  What did surprise you was that he seemed nervous. 

"Kokoshibou?  Is something wrong?"  He didn't respond verbally, just got up and walked over to you, until your bodies were centimeters apart. 

Then, without warning, he lowered his lips to yours and kissed you.

You gasped, giving him the chance to slip his tounge in, and you responded by wrapping your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss (A.N Kokoshibou understands that consent is ✨smexy✨)

His hands trailed to your waist, and you wrapped you legs around him as he picked you up carried you towards the bedroom.  While still holding you, he was able to open the sliding door.

He made his way to the futon, before gently placing you on it and tearing off your shirt.  Taking the hint, you began tugging his shirt off him ad well.

He finished first, and waited until you were done before he lowered his mouth to yours again.  You took the lead, and unbuckled his belt to take his pants off.

You gasped as he hit your sweet spot and began sucking at it.  He removed your pants, and the pair of you fell onto the bed, hands roaming over each other's bodies.

Kokoshibou straddled your waist, before pulling away from you.

"Are you sure?" he asked.  He didn't want to do this without your permission.

You honestly found it adorable, how considerate he could be, seeing as he was the second strongest demon alive.

You nodded, and that was all he needed to see from you.

Once more he claimed your lips in a kiss, lowering himself onto you as he did so.

You woke up the next morning to find Kokoshibou already gone, a note on the dresser in his place.   Getting out of bed, you read it.

Dearest Y/N
I have business to take care of.  I shall be back later tonight.

Thinking nothing of it, you went about your day as normal.

A few days passed, and he still didn't come back, and you began to grow worried.  What if he was in trouble?

After a week, Kokoshibou finally returned to you, saying he had a surprise for you, but that you needed to follow him first.

You agreed, and he took you to an isolated cabin, that from the outside appeared run-down, but was luxurious on the inside.

As you gaped at the gorgeous room, Kokoshibou slunk behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind.

"What do you think, Y/N?  Isn't it perfect?"  You nodded.  This was your dream house.

"Then stay here."  Kokoshibou muttered quietly, arms tightening around you.


"I designed thus just for you, so please don't let it go to waste.  This cabin, we can live here together for the rest of our lives."

You had no problem with that, so happily ever after for you dear reader.

1107 words

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