Kaigaku x Female Reader (Lemon)

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Summary: you trained with Zenitsu and Kaigaku, and passed final selection with Kaigaku.  Because of that, you were there the day he became a demon, and decided to act on his feelings for you.

Tws: manipulation, brainwashing, dub-con

You and your mission partner strolled through the town where the supposed demon was rumored to be in.  You were ever on guard, while your friend had a rather lax aura.

Kaigaku suddenly snapped to attention, his sharper ears catching the sound of something up ahead.  He began to run, and you sped up to follow him.

Soon enough, you yourself heard the screaming of civilians being murdered. 

The demons back was to you at first, so you couldn't really tell much about it.  All you knew was that it's power suffocated you.  A glance at your partner showed a similar reaction.

The demon turned to face you, and your heart stopped.  Standing before you was Uppermoon One himself.

The second most powerful demon, was right in front of your eyes.

He strode towards you, and there was no reaction from your body.  No matter how much you tried to move, your shaking limbs refrained from doing so.

The demon stopped in front of you.  He looked you over, then Kaigaku.  His eyes, all six of them, stopped when they saw the marks on the side of Kaigaku's face.

In the end, he asked Kaigaku to become a demon.

The look on Kaigaku's face was was one of both confusion and terror. 

You thought you knew what would happen.  You and Kaigaku had chosen the path of a demon slayer for a reason, so there was no way you'd abandon it to become a demon.  He would say no, and you'd both die in battle.

"Only if she gets turned too." was what he said instead.  No firm denial, no 'not a chance in hell!', nothing. 

Though you couldn't move your head, you could still move your eyes, and you stared at him on horror.  He wouldn't meet your gaze.

"This will hurt."  The voice of the demon interrupted you.  With a heavy heart, you watched as he cut his hand, watched as Kaigaku allowed it to drip into his own hands, watched as he drank the blood, and began to convulse on the ground.

It was your turn now.  Uppermoon One had to cut his hand a second time, and because you could not move, he dripped the blood directly into your mouth.

You tried not to, but your body instinctively swallowed eventually, and pain tore through your body.  Eventually, darkness enveloped your vision, and you knew nothing.

When you awoke, you had no memory of who your were.  All you knew is you were starving.

Another demon boy came in with a fresh corpse, and handed it to you so you could eat.

When you were done, he told you things.

He told you that your name was L/N Y/N, and that you were his fiance.  You had been attacked by some demon slayers thinking you were demons the day before your wedding, and had nearly died.  Uppermoon One had saved you, and turned you into demons.

The leader of demons had even allowed you two to stay together. 

When Kaigaku had finished telling you his story, tears had fallen from your eyes.  How could the demon slayers be so cruel?  To try to separate young lovers, the day before their wedding night.

"Y/N?  Do you think, even though we never technically got married, do you think we could still consumate the marriage?"  You tilted your head at him, and he went on.  "I know we didn't get to before, but we survived.  Its fate that we have this night, don't you agree?"

You had to admit, he did have a point.  What was the point in holding back now.

You nodded at him, and that was all the acceptance he needed.

He lowered his mouth to yours, his lips pressing hungrily, needy for you.  You kissed back equally as desperate for him.

He pulled away from your mouth, his lips coming to rest on your neck.  You gasped as he sucked and kissed and bit.  You felt something in your core, and started tearing the clothes he was wearing off.

He took the hint, and returned the favor, leaving both of you naked. 

Kaigaku smiled at you, before lining himself up.  He slowly pushed himself in, apologizing through the pain. 

When he saw that it no longer hurt, he pulled out, and began to thrust at a fast pace. 

You writhed, the pleasure making you unable to make coherent sounds.

When you were both sated, you layer next to each other, content.

It was you and Kaigaku against the world.

795 words

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