Hantengu's Clones x Female Reader

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Requested by: MelissaC3000

Summary: you were a civilian who lived in a village full of retired demon slayers.  Unbeknownst to you, Kibutsuji Muzan had sent Uppermoon Four to destroy a potential threat.  While attacking the retired swordsmen, he met you.

You smiled as you stared at the ceiling, another day of work over.  Though you loved your customers, as the villages only pastry chef, it became quite exhausting trying to keep up with all the orders.

Women wanting a cheat day, men wanting a gift for the girl whose heart he fancied, children looking to battle their sweet tooths: the work was endless.

As fun as it might be, a girl got tired every now and then.

But enough of that.  You needed sleep to be able to face tomorrow, and the endless stomachs that wanted cakes or pies.

Sleep met you almost instantly, and as peaceful as it was you were ripped out of it by the smell of smoke in the air.

Worried that perhaps your oven had caught on fire, you hurried downstairs and into your kitchen. 

It was clear to anyone who looked at it that the oven was off.  And since you hadn't seen any sign of a fire in your home on your way, that meant the fire was outside.

Slowly, praying to the God's that you were imagining things, you slid open your front door.

Chaos reigned outside.

Blood and soot stained the streets, and fire and smoke rose into the night sky.

You stared in horror.  What could have possibly caused such a thing?  The majority of the village were warriors.  Whoever had done this would have to have gotten through an army of them.

So how did they succeed?

You got your answer a breath later. 

A winged something plummeted from the sky right in front of you, revealing one of the things that had destroyed your home.

His eyes found yours, and his eyes lit up.  Before you could move, or question him about why he had done this, he had scooped you in his arms and was flying away.

Judging by how you were going deeper into the chaos, you assumed he was taking you to his comrades. 

As much as you wanted to fight him, doing so would make him drop you.  You had no desire to see what death by fire felt like.

So you waited, scenarios running through your head.  What could they possibly want with you?  If they wanted you dead, there was no need to make a big production out of it.

There wasn't much you could do though.  All you could do was wait.

You didn't have to wait long.  Soon enough, you and him reached a group of other things.  By now, you deduced these were the demons that some of the swordsmen had been warning your village of.

The demon carrying you landed, and gently placed you on the ground, so at odds with the evidence of what he had done to your neighbors around you.

There were five other demons there, all with different looks and weapons. 

All of them had words on their tongues representing a certain emotion.  Anger, sorrow, resentment, pleasure, and joy.

All eyes turned to you, and you resisted the urge to retreat into yourself, fear getting the best of you.

The one with the pleasure Kanji was the first to react, keeping true to his name and pulling you in to him.

Try as you might, your strength was no match for him, and you couldn't stop him from leaning in to sniff your neck.

"Delicious" he breathed, and he pressed against you, allowing you to see his was not just thinking about food.

From behind him, the sound of complaining could be heard.  The pleasure demon stepped back, allowing you a chance to breathe for a moment.

Not for much longer than that, as the resentment demon came up behind you and rested his (ugly) head on your shoulder.

You stiffened, and subtly tried to move away, but his nails dug in to your skin hard enough to draw blood.

That ceased the arguing of the others, and they whipped their heads over to you and resentment.

"Urami.  Don't hog her all to yourself, asshole!" 

This was anger, which was again, no surprise.

Unfortunately for you, the others seemed to want your attention just as bad as Urami did, and stalked towards you.

Trembling, you could only hope help would arrive.

747 words

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