Kibutsuji Muzan, Kokoshibou, + Akaza x Female Reader (Fluff)

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Requested by: -vcloiid-

Summary: you were a herbalist, who an in disguise Muzan had come to visit many times.  While hunting, Uppermoons Two and Three happened to sense that their Master had been there repeatedly, and their curiosity got the best of them.  They went inside, and they too became enamored with you.

Tws: OOC Muzan, terrible writing, a very crappy chapter

The ringing of the bell you'd placed on the door alerted you to your customer.  Only one person visited this late.

Sure enough, it was Kanato Aki (Muzan's name while in disguise), the man who asked after an odd flower.

"No, Kanato-san, I haven't heard about the blue spider lily, and when I do find any info on it, you'll be the first to know."

His mouth, which had been open to ask you about that, closed, and he gave you a sheepish smile.  "Sorry."  He didn't sound sorry at all, but you didn't bother commenting on it.

Normally, Aki would have left by now.  But for some reason, he was currently choosing to stick around and chat with you instead.  You mosty talked about random interests you had, with Aki adding his own two cents.

It was rather nice, if you were being honest with yourself.

And that was how your friendship with the Demon King started.  Not that you knew he was the Demon King, of course.

If you'd only ever had to deal with one demon, that would have been fine. 

But out of the blue, two random demons showed up in your shop.  And unlike Muzan, they were not in disguise.

You held in your scream as you gaped at the monsters in front of you.  One had six eyes, and the other was covered in strange blue markings. 

And both looked like they wanted to murder you.  And eat your corpse.

It was obvious these creatures were the oni from legend.  Man eating monsters that were killed only by sunlight and a specific kind of metal.  A metal you did not have.  And sunlight was still a few hours away.  

You knew you weren't going to make it out of a confrontation with these two alive.  Your only hope was to keep them distracted, and make them leave.

"Hello there, sirs.  Can I get you anything today?"

Though you were terrified down to your bones, your voice came out remarkably steady and calm, betraying none of the fear and nervousness you truly felt.  

It seemed to make the two demons relax, and they began chatting with you while you waited for them to leave, or help to arrive.

And it did.  In the form of yet another demon.

The demon you knew as Aki came into the shop, and beheld two of the strongest demons talking to his shaking 'friend'.  And he was not happy about it.

"Kanato-san! Nice to see you!" you called out extra cheerfully, still trying to keep the two demons from eating you or your friend.  They turned around, and your jaw hit the floor when they revealed a shocking truth.

"Muzan-sama?  What are you doing here?"

Your eyes shot to Aki's- no, your eyes shot to Muzan's-, betrayal shining in them.  The man who had been coming to your store, was none other then the Demon King himself.  

Muzan opened his mouth, and began to harshly insult the two Uppermoons for their incompetence.  All while you just stood there, the exit of you shop blocked off by three demons.

Eventually, Muzan was done with them, and the twang of a biwa brought all four of you to a building that shouldn't exist.  It had stairs on the ceiling and the walls, and it wasn't in the normal shape of a building.

"Y/N.  Let me explain."

Since you really didn't have a choice, you did.

"I wasn't going to tell you.  I really wasn't.  I didn't plan on killing you either.  I just wanted that flower, and I was going to let you live... at least, that was the plan."

You tilted your head to the side, motioning for him to continue.

"When we started talking, I found I didn't hate your company.  And I didn't want to stop talking to you.  So I didn't.  I kept talking to you, praying you'd never find the blue spider lily, and that I wouldn't have to stop seeing you.

"But then Kokoshibou and Akaza found you.  I have to assume they thought I was in your shop, and were looking for me.  You're lucky to be alive right now."

He stopped talking, and you thought for a moment.  It did make sense... and what he was saying certainly seemed legit.  But you had your own questions.

"So if you're not going to kill me... can I leave?"

Muzan gave you a sad smile, and you knew what he was going to say before he opened his mouth.  "If the Demon Slayer's find you, you will die.  I don't want that.

"You can stay here.  Where it'll be safe."

808 words

I'm sorry to those who wanted more, I cut it off because I hate this chapter.  I think it's absolute trash, but long overdue.  I hate how I made Muzan OOC, as I try to avoid that in my writing. I apologize to anyone who reads this chapter

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