Iguro Obanai x Female Reader (Lemon)

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Requested by: Batresha44

Summary: you and Obanai had been married for years, and somehow he had managed to keep his yandere side from you.  However, one day he catches you talking to another man.

Obanai hummed to himself, a tune he'd often heard you sing to yourself when you thought he wasn't listening.  It had been something he'd made sure to remember, so whenever you asked him what your favorite song was, he could answer with assurity.

The melodic sound of your voice reached his ears, and Obanai smiled for a moment.

Until he heard someone respond.

Not just any someone.  Another man.  You, his loyal wife, were talking to another man without Obanai here.

Wanting to know if your loyal facade was just that, Obanai decided to eavesdrop on your conversation.

And boy, it was a good thing he did.  For this man... he was spewing lies, trying to damage your faith in Obanai.

Well, he wasn't necessarily telling 'lies' per say.  He was actually telling the truth, but Obanai's wife didn't need to know what he'd done.

With an air of confidence, Obanai strode over to his wife and the peice of filth next to her.

"Y/N honey, is something wrong?  Who is this?"

Upon hearing Obanai's voice, you immediately ran into his arms, and told him all the horrible lies this man had told you.  Well, what you thought were lies, but same difference.

Stroking your hair, Obanai waited until you had calmed down, before releasing you.

"Go ahead home Y/N.  I'll figure out why he's saying these awful things about me."

As you left, you didn't notice the look of pure terror on the man's face, nor the look of pure insanity on your husbands.

A mini time skip

When your husband came home, you had almost calmed down from the incident earlier.  The opening of the door had you jumping out of your seat, wanting to know why a stranger had tried to ruin your love life.

Seeing the questions about to be asked Obanai answered.  "There was a demon living at his house.  When it sensed a Hashira nearby, it tried to sow discord between the townsfolk and I by showing them 'me murdering people'." Using quotations to signify that was fake, he went on.  "In actuality, there was nothing there.  They were hallucinations.  I didn't know this until I walked him home, and sensed the demon there.  Noticing my presence, the demon took that man as hostage, and when I tried to help him, the demon killed him.

"And now, here I am.  The demon is dead now, don't worry."

And that brought the explanation to an end. 

For the most part, it was true: the man hadn't seen Obanai murder anyone, but the demon sending him the hallucinations did.    It had told him that, before Obanai had killed it.

But again, you didn't need to know the gruesome parts.

With that, you let out a sigh.

"As bad as it may be, I'm rather glad that man is dead."  At his incredulous look, you amended.  "Maybe not glad, but it does seem like karma."

For a moment, Obanai was quiet.  Then he started to laugh.

"Oh, God Y/N.  I love you."

You raised your brow, wondering why exactly he felt the need to clarify this, as his laughter calmed down, then ceased entirely.

Looking at the clock, you were shocked to see it was almost eleven o'clock at night, something you quickly pointed out to Obanai.

And so, you both headed to bed.

Despite how late it was, Obanai couldn't sleep.  He found his mind replaying to what you had said earlier.

You had all but approved his actions, without even knowing the truth.  You knew he was in the right.

Since you had made him so happy, Obanai felt you had deserved a reward.

Obanai wrapped his arms around your waist, hands resting just under your stomach. 

He stroked that spot back and forth, getting lower and lower with each repetition, until finally you noticed.

"Obanai!" you hissed playfully, only half trying to get him to stop.  "You have an early meeting tomorrow."

"So?  It just means I won't have time with my lovely wife tomorrow, doesn't it?"

Seeing the reason- and feeling rather horny yourself- you gave in.

You rolled over to face him, hands flying up to cup the side of his face.  You pulled him towards you, bringing your lips together.

A.n So imma cut this smut scene short, because I cannot write them at all.  I'll go over it when I have more experience with writing them, and change it.

In the end, though he debated it for a long while, Obanai did not end up telling you the truth.

He wasn't quite sure you'd see him the same, and still love him.  He had to be completely sure of your feelings first.

Until then... he made sure no one stayed in his way.

830 words

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