6. Prison Break

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Many years later.

'Longing," zemo began getting closer to the glass wall. "rusted," bucky shook his head annoyed. "furnace, daybreak," zemo smirked seeing that he could still get under Buck's skin "seventeen," bucky let out an angry huff "benign, nine," face to face, only a glass between them now "homecoming... one," bucky wanted to punch him. Kill him. He hated that he was about to ask him for help. "freight car." Zemo finished.

'Those dont work on me anymore.' bucky informed him.

'I know...' Zemo told him 'I just wanted to see how the new you would react to the old words.' Zemo looked him over 'some thing is still in there...' he noticed through the glass. 'at least you were not conscious for most of your imprisonment.'

'That time wasn't exactly a picnic for me.' Bucky reminded him, zemo nodded turning away from him circling his little cage.

'For what it's worth I am sorry. it was never personal you were simply a means to a necessary ends.' Zemo told him

'Someone recreated the super soldier serum.' Bucky told him that caught his attention 'I need to find out who.' Zemo re-approached the glass

'you are assuming that hydra had something to do with this. Which is why you came to me. Which means you are desperate.' A smug smile crossed his lips. 'luckily for you I know where to begin...'


'He blew up the UN! He killed king t'Chaka! He framed you for it! Did you forget that? Do you think the wakandans forgot about it?' sam questioned bucky thought about it, 'It's a rhetorical question they didn't' Sam told him 'I know why this matters to you but come on pushing you off the deep end.'

'Sam we don't know where is serum is. we don't even know how many there are... look let me just walk you through a hypothetical can I walk you through a hypothetical?" bucky questioned.

'What did you do?' sam warned.

'I didn't do anything.' Bucky said innocently.

'let me walk you through a hypothetical. The weakest points in any system it's not the software not the hardware it's the people, so if a fight started in the cafeteria-'

'why would a fight start in the cafeteria?' sam questioned.

'hypothetically.' Bucky assured. 'and with all those bodies flying around left and right it wouldn't be hard for someone to slip down the hallway or to steal the guards uniform and sneak out...'

'I don't like how casual you sound about this.'

'And if someone tripped the fire alarm surely someone could that to their advantage.' Bucky went on.

'I don't like how casual you're being about this it's unnatural and where are we man?' A door opened and a helmut ZEMO in a guards uniform came out.

'What are you doing? No no no no.' Sam said.

'I didn't wanna tell you because I knew this would happen.' Bucky reminded him.

'What did you do?'

'We need him Sam.'

'You're going back to prison.' Sam demanded.

'If I may-' Zemo began.

'No!' Both Bucky and Sam yelled.


'When Steve refused to sign the Sokovia accords you backed him. You broke the law and you stuck your neck out for me.' Bucky reminded him 'I'm asking you to do it again.'

'I really think I'm invaluable.' Zemo added

'Shut up.' Sam sneered but begrudgingly agreed, they were at a dead end 'OK...' Sam agreed 'but if we do this you don't make a move without our permission.'

'Fair.' zemo agreed

'OK... where do we start?' Sam asked


'Our first move is grand theft auto?'

'These are all mine.' Zemo said as they walked through a garage full of vintage cars, mint condition. 'Collected by my family over generations I have spent years hunting people that Hydra recruited to re-create the serum because once it's out there someone can create an army of people like the avengers.' he told them as he packed up his things. 'I ended the Winter soldier program once before I have no intention of leaving my work unfinished.' Zemo assured. 'To do this we will have to scale a matter of low lives.'

'Join the party where do we start.' Bucky muttered

'I have no intention to leave my work unfinished. to do this we will have to stay on lateral progress.' Zemo told them as he changed.

'We've already started.' Sam told him but they indeed had gotten no where besides knowing the serum was out there.

'First stop is a woman name Selby mid-level fencer but I still have a line in from there we climb...'

Karma // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now