25. One world

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'Hope for the best prepare for the worst one world. One World!' Karly demanded

'One people.'

'One people.' they echoed after hesitation Karly was off the deep end and they knew it but they had all gone too far to stop now.

Bucky went flying over the barricade as Karly and her team got control of the hostages

'We need a diversion someone they can save.' Karly suggested

'what do you mean?' GG asked

'Light it up.' Karly told them nodding to one of the hostage vans.

'Help help us!' they scream from inside as one of the trucks lit on fire Bucky kicked one of the super soldiers off of him trying to pull the doors open

'Hold on.' he demanded pulling at the door

'Morgenthau!' Walker screamed. 'Let's finish this.'

'Damn this guy again.' Karma remarked his voice booming through their coms.

'I didn't mean to kill your friend.' Karly told him 'I don't need to kill people that don't matter.'

'You don't think Lamar's life mattered?'

'Not my fight. I just want people in that truck.' Karly told him he threw his shield but Carly kicked it away clattered before him. Bucky pulled uselessly punching at the lock as the car got hotter and hotter people with all his might finally broke free allowing the hostages out. Meanwhile Walker was being beat to a bloody pulp by Karly's crew after rescuing the hostages Bucky came to save the day. Of course walker needed saving.

'Thought you could use some help.' karma told Bucky knocking over one of the men. But another came wrestling with bucky and pulling him over the cliff Karma ran to the edge she looked over the cliff to see the man barreling down on Bucky

'Bucky? Bucky!' Karma called down to him but she saw him get up, still breathing. She let out a huff of a breath before she moved back to Walker and Karly before seeing and hearing the second hostage vehicle they screamed for help. Karma looked at the device holding the door shut before pulling out her phone. She held it up to the lock and it started to unlock but not fast enough she didn't notice Karly get in the car she drove away as karma held on tight standing on the back ledge of the car she peered in at the people they gave her terrified looks. Karma started to jump away but the car jerked and she held on as the car started falling. She looked at it slipping the gate was like unlocking as the car was going to fall down onto Bucky

'Karma?' Sharon questioned 'please tell me that's not you.'

'it's OK I'm gonna...' But she felt the car being pulled backwards she looked to see John Walker trying to save them but Karly and her team came pulling him down the car falling down with it but it got stuck. Karma kept working on the door as Sam carried the car his redwing assistance latching on helping him fly the car to safety Karma held on for dear life. Once on semi stable ground she pulled open the door and helped the people out. They thanked her and sam rushing farther away.

'Thanks for the help Sam.' karma remarked. But Karly wasn't done yet.


'Karma!' Sharon said holding tight to her sister

'Can't get rid of me that easy.' she said as smoke started to fill the air they look down to where Sam and Bucky were before Sharon led her way.

Sharon and karma were in the tunnel under the street.

'We are under William street and we're headed south.' Bucky told them over coms

'It looks like they split up.' Sam remarked as they went in opposite directions.

Whistling could be heard as Karly moved hesitantly

'Drop it Karly!'

'Dovich is that you?' Karly questioned but Sharon and Karma stepped out guns raised Karly pointed her gun between them.

'I said drop it.' Sharon told her

'I'm disappointed in you.' Karly told her

'That's what I was gonna say.' Sharon remarked she raised her hands before putting her gun down 'you know when you came to mandripoor you reminded me of a young me. I took you and gave you an opportunity.' Sharon told her 'and you betrayed me because you wanted to betray a world that hurt.'

'But I wanted to change it.' Carly told her 'I'm not interested in power or in Empire I have bigger dreams.'

'What? like this?' Sharon countered 'come back and work for me again, all of you.' Sharon told her

'We can make a difference together.' karma added

'You just want me because you need your muscle back.' Karly told her 'without our super soldiers how much power does the power broker really have?'

'More than you.' Sharon remarked

'So you're the power broker?' Batroc said coming up to them

'You hired batroc To scare me.' Karly said as the man walked forward

'Karly you know I'm always prepared.' Sharon said

'Get out of my way.' Karly demanded

'I'm done with these games.' Batroc told them pointing his gun at Karly 'now power broker... You will pay me four times what I thought you said you would four times or... I will tell the whole world who you are OK?'

'I don't do blackmail.' karma said defensively as she shot at batroc, as he shot at Sharon. Sharon collapsed to the ground

'Sam stay back.' Karly said her gun still aim to chat At Sharon as karma dropped before her sister pressing on the bullet wound.

'Was that your plan?' Sam asked 'Where does it end? Please let me help you.'

'Don't try and manipulate me.' Karly said thoroughly annoyed, nothing was going to plan. She had to end things.

'Karly don't,' karma begged but Sam lunged at Karly grappling with the gun.

'no I don't wanna fight you.' he screamed but Karly was ready for a fight

'She can't live, she knows who you are.' Karma whispered to Sharon as Sam and Karly fought

'She won't survive this.' Sharon said confidently but her face cringed with pain. As Karma tried to slow the bleeding.

'Fight back fight me! Fight me! Fight back.' Karly declared punch after punch of Sam but he was using his defensive skills only Sam dropped to the ground his shield away from him and Karly moved to pick up her gun pointing at Sam.

'Sharon...' Karma said nervously looking between them Karly was about ready to pull the gun but karma got up shooting her three times.

'I'm sorry.' Karly said as she lay dying in Sam's arms. Karma moved back to Sharon.

'Can we get you to a hospital now!' karma begged 'please!" sharon nodded with a sigh of relief.

Karma // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now